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- “T171p1” QUIZ # 3 - Module 1 – Meeting 3 & 4 by Majed N. Alhilaisi.

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1 - “T171p1” QUIZ # 3 - Module 1 – Meeting 3 & 4 by Majed N. Alhilaisi

2 “Bill Gates” and “Paul Allen” highlight many trends for Microsoft and the PC industry in general, some of them are: A. Taking an existing product and adapting it to make their own.Taking an existing product and adapting it to make their own. B. Both "A" and "D" are correct.Both "A" and "D" are correct. C. Good programmers are not good businessmen.Good programmers are not good businessmen. D. Taking products from the Mainframe industry to the PC.Taking products from the Mainframe industry to the PC. QUESTION 1

3 The correct order for the following operating systems starting with the latest one: A. Windows, MS DOS, OS/2, CP/M.Windows, MS DOS, OS/2, CP/M. B. Windows, OS/2, MS DOS, CP/M.Windows, OS/2, MS DOS, CP/M. C. Windows, CP/M, MS DOS, OS/2.Windows, CP/M, MS DOS, OS/2. D. OS/2, Windows, MS DOS, CP/M.OS/2, Windows, MS DOS, CP/M. QUESTION 2

4 Which one of the following is not true about IBU: A. The leader of IBU was "Bill Lowe".The leader of IBU was "Bill Lowe". B. Compaq constructed IBU to work outside usual framework.Compaq constructed IBU to work outside usual framework. C. The objective of IBU is to produce an IBM microcomputer (PC) within a year.The objective of IBU is to produce an IBM microcomputer (PC) within a year. D. IBU method become a widely used method in PC industry.IBU method become a widely used method in PC industry. QUESTION 3

5 Apple II plus was the first PC to be produced in a big scale in a period of only 2 months and it Released in 1977. True False QUESTION 4

6 Open architecture meant that the components made up the machine were bought from other suppliers and their design was available for anyone else to use. True False QUESTION 5

7 The main factor that made Microsoft as big as it is today is the agreement between IBM and Bill Gates to supply the PC with an operating system called MS-DOS that was almost identical to CP/M. True False QUESTION 6

8 Technological superiority, Legacy, Market leader, Society acceptance and Marketing are some reasons: A. help IBM to make the IBM to make the turnaround. B. for the success of a product.for the success of a product. C. caused IBM to lose market.caused IBM to lose market. D. Non of the above.Non of the above. QUESTION 7

9 Apple uses ____ chip microprocessors in their computers. A. IBM.IBM. B. Phoenix.Phoenix. C. Intel.Intel. D. Motorola.Motorola. QUESTION 8

10 An example for an open industry standard: A.Lisa.Lisa. B.Macintosh.Macintosh. C.Deskpro 386.Deskpro 386. D.IMac.IMac. QUESTION 9

11 Windows 3.0 was released in 1990 and was a great success. Some of the reasons for the success: A. It was compatible with earlier software running on DOS.It was compatible with earlier software running on DOS. B. There were many software packages running on windows 3.0 available shortly.There were many software packages running on windows 3.0 available shortly. C. It has legacy while OS/2 hasn't.It has legacy while OS/2 hasn't. D. All of the above.All of the above. QUESTION 10

12 The surprising success of “reverse engineering” caused _______ to lose the market. A. Compaq.Compaq. B. IBM.IBM. C. Intel.Intel. D. Aldus.Aldus. QUESTION 11

13 Which one is not correct about P ageMaker : A. Does not Required a Graphical User Interface (GUI).Does not Required a Graphical User Interface (GUI). B. Allowed the process of producing Newspapers and Magazines which was a time consuming process.Allowed the process of producing Newspapers and Magazines which was a time consuming process. C. Desktop publishing software produced by Aldus.Desktop publishing software produced by Aldus. D. The product that had influenced greatly Macintosh and pushed it in the Market.The product that had influenced greatly Macintosh and pushed it in the Market. QUESTION 12

14 The only piece of information which IBM kept closed was: A. RAM.RAM. B. Mother board.Mother board. C. Microprocessor.Microprocessor. D. BIOS.BIOS. QUESTION 13

15 The first company succeed in “reverse engineering” process to the IBM PC was Compaq. A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 14

16 When Intel came up with its 80286 microprocessor, Compaq released its Deskpro 286 PC. This PC can compete with the PC-AT released by IBM. PC-AT was more reliable, faster and cheaper than Deskpro 286 PC. A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 15

17 Empowerment simply means giving power to someone. A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 16

18 Page Maker is desktop publishing software that has been developed by the Digital Research Company. A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 17

19 Generally, computer companies have their own personalities formed by the personalities of their founders. A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 18

20 There were two main companies that benefited more from IBM PC architecture, these are Microsoft by using MS-DOS operating system technology and Intel by using 8088 microprocessor technology. A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 19

21 Apple company was founded by : A. Richard Stallman.Richard Stallman. B. Alan Turing.Alan Turing. C. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. D. Bill Gates.Bill Gates. QUESTION 20

22 Multi-tasking means: A. The task requires multi computers at the same time.The task requires multi computers at the same time. B. The task requires multi workers at the same time.The task requires multi workers at the same time. C. The task requires multi computers at the same time.The task requires multi computers at the same time. D. The computer can process more than one task at the same time.The computer can process more than one task at the same time. QUESTION 21

23 The main goal for establishing Independent Business Unit (IBU) is to : A. To produce an IBM microcomputer (PC) within a year.To produce an IBM microcomputer (PC) within a year. B. To developed anew compatible software with IBM microcomputer (PC) within a year. To developed anew compatible software with IBM microcomputer (PC) within a year. C. To developed new microprocessor within a year.To developed new microprocessor within a year. D. None of the above.None of the above. QUESTION 22

24 Year 2000 problem was considered as: A. Software conflict.Software conflict. B. Hardware conflict.Hardware conflict. C. Financial problem.Financial problem. D. Legacy problem.Legacy problem. QUESTION 23

25 Domain Name Server (DNS) is: A.Type of computers.Type of computers. B. A translator that translate from Domain name into IP address.A translator that translate from Domain name into IP address. C. Internet protocol.Internet protocol. D. Internet service provider.Internet service provider. QUESTION 24

26 The expression (metaphor) means: A. Desktop. Desktop. B. Type of memory. Type of memory. C. Type of computers. Type of computers. D. Internet protocol. Internet protocol. QUESTION 25

27 The company that was first to provide the GUI was ___________. A. Compaq.Compaq. B. Apple.Apple. C. Intel.Intel. D. IBM.IBM. QUESTION 26

28 A feature of network Operating System which divides the CPU’s time among more than one program is known as _________. A. Multi-programming.Multi-programming. B. Multi-user.Multi-user. C. Multiprocessing.Multiprocessing. D. Multitasking.Multitasking. QUESTION 27

29 The company which released the Deskpro 286 PC was _________. A. IBM.IBM. B. Intel.Intel. C. Compaq.Compaq. D. Apple.Apple. QUESTION 28

30 The Lisa computer cost almost ______. A. 500$.500$. B. 10.000$.10.000$. C. 05.000$.05.000$. D. 100.000$.100.000$. QUESTION 29

31 Apple’s philosophy was to: A. Make the computer accessible to GUI Applications.Make the computer accessible to GUI Applications. B. Make the computer accessible to every one.Make the computer accessible to every one. C. Make the computer more powerful.Make the computer more powerful. D. Make the computer accessible to every one and make it very easy to use.Make the computer accessible to every one and make it very easy to use. QUESTION 30

32 The first company succeed in reverse engineering process to the IBM PC was ________. A.Phoenix.Phoenix. B. Compaq.Compaq. C. Apple.Apple. D. Intel.Intel. QUESTION 31

33 The founder for ( IBM / Apple / Microsoft ) in the same order are: A. Steve jobs / Bill Gates / Tom Watson.Steve jobs / Bill Gates / Tom Watson. B. Tom Watson / Bill Gates / Steve jobs.Tom Watson / Bill Gates / Steve jobs. C. Gary Kildall / Steve jobs / Bill Gates.Gary Kildall / Steve jobs / Bill Gates. D. Tom Watson / Steve jobs / Bill Gates.Tom Watson / Steve jobs / Bill Gates. QUESTION 32

34 Which of the following ideas has not developed by Xerox PARC. A. PageMaker.PageMaker. B. Graphical user interface (GUI).Graphical user interface (GUI). C. laser printer.laser printer. D. The Ethernet.The Ethernet. QUESTION 33

35 Which of the following is true about CP/M. A. Text based operating system produced by “Bill Gates”.Text based operating system produced by “Bill Gates”. B. GUI operating system produced by “Gary Kildall”.GUI operating system produced by “Gary Kildall”. C. GUI operating system produced by “Bill Gates”.GUI operating system produced by “Bill Gates”. D. Text based operating system produced by “Gary Kildall”.Text based operating system produced by “Gary Kildall”. QUESTION 34

36 When Intel 80386 microprocessor came out: A. Neither IBM, nor Compaq used it at all.Neither IBM, nor Compaq used it at all. B. Both companies Compaq and IBM used it at the same time.Both companies Compaq and IBM used it at the same time. C. IBM used it before Compaq.IBM used it before Compaq. D. Compaq used it before IBM.Compaq used it before IBM. QUESTION 35

37 Which application could be used for a company’s accounts? A. Games.Games. B. Word processor.Word processor. C. DTP.DTP. D. Spread Sheet.Spread Sheet. QUESTION 36

38 “IBM” and “Microsoft” differ in : A. Number of mainframes they have.Number of mainframes they have. B. Number customers, sales and profit, customer relations, employee types.Number customers, sales and profit, customer relations, employee types. C. Number of applications they have.Number of applications they have. D. non of the above.non of the above. QUESTION 37

39 Microsoft borrowed and adapted --------- from mainframe and came up with their own version: A. Fortran.Fortran. B. Basic.Basic. C. C++.C++. D. Non of the above. Non of the above QUESTION 38

40 which type of management that develop a kind of loyalty: A. Vertical.Vertical. B. Down.Down. C. Flat.Flat. D. None of the above.None of the above. QUESTION 39

41 The first “killer application” for Apple II was ------ and for IBM was ------: A. VisiCalc and Lotus 1.2.3.VisiCalc and Lotus 1.2.3. B. Lotus 1-2-3 and VisiCalc.Lotus 1-2-3 and VisiCalc. C. Lotus 1-2-3 and Page Maker.Lotus 1-2-3 and Page Maker. D. Page Maker and VisiCalc.Page Maker and VisiCalc. QUESTION 40

42 IBM ------- are similar to IBM PC but made by other manufacturer: A. Clones.Clones. B. PC-AT.PC-AT. C. BIOS.BIOS. D. GUI.GUI. QUESTION 41

43 when going down in the Vertical IT type of management: A. Amount of decisions increases.Amount of decisions increases. B. Amount of work increases.Amount of work increases. C. Amount of decisions decreases.Amount of decisions decreases. D. non of the above.non of the above. QUESTION 42

44 Among the factors that affect the success of technology are: A. Technology superiority, marketing, society acceptance, product decision.Technology superiority, marketing, society acceptance, product decision. B. Its High price.Its High price. C. Its sophistication.Its sophistication. D. non of the above.non of the above. QUESTION 43

45 Lisa computer was based on which microprocessor: A. Motorola 68000.Motorola 68000. B. Intel 80286.Intel 80286. C. Intel 80386.Intel 80386. D. Intel Pentium IV.Intel Pentium IV. QUESTION 44

46 Big companies were reluctant to purchase MAC due to the fact that: A. it is easy to use and they consider it as a toy. it is easy to use and they consider it as a toy. B. its price was very low.its price was very low. C. they already bough IBM clones.they already bough IBM clones. D. None of the above.None of the above. QUESTION 45

47 which operating system was developed in parallel with OS/2: A. Windows 3.0.Windows 3.0. B. CP/M.CP/M. C. DOS.DOS. D. OS 9.OS 9. QUESTION 46

48 In the early 1980’s IBM set up an IBU, which of the following is the least likely to be a reason for setting up this IBU: A. Study the potential improvements in the mainframe industry.Study the potential improvements in the mainframe industry. B. Set up a separate model more suitable for the PC industry.Set up a separate model more suitable for the PC industry. C. Produce the first IBM PC.Produce the first IBM PC. D. Try to free the IBU from usual IBM’s routine.Try to free the IBU from usual IBM’s routine. QUESTION 47

49 Workstations' microprocessor is based on : A. RISC.RISC. B. CISC.CISC. C. SIMD technology.SIMD technology. D. Both 'a' and 'b'.Both 'a' and 'b'. QUESTION 48

50 Image can be represented in binary format using a technique called: A. Bit-mapping.Bit-mapping. B. Bit-organizing.Bit-organizing. C. Bit-shaping.Bit-shaping. D. Bit-scattering.Bit-scattering. QUESTION 49

51 The team leader of IBU assigned by IBM was ‘Bill Lowe‘: A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 50

52 The number of customers for mainframe computers is larger than the microcomputers (personal computers). A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 51

53 OS/2 was a joint project between IBM and Microsoft. A. True.True. B. False.False. QUESTION 52

54 What is the IBM clones? Answer: Computers which are identical to the IBM PC in every important respect. QUESTION 53

55 Define Legacy problem. Answer: It means that there is a history relevant to a certain product that has to be considered. The legacy problem is not restricted to software. It is also present in hardware especially in mainframes. QUESTION 54

56 Define system thinking. Answer: System thinking is a way of looking at the world and the things by concentrating on the whole rather than on individual parts. QUESTION 55

57 List two features of Network Operating Systems (NOS). Answer: Any Two features : Multi-user, Multi-task, Portable, Secure, Compatible, Safety. QUESTION 56

58 Briefly explain what we mean by open architecture. Answer: Open architecture: This meant that the various parts and components of the microcomputer were often bought from other suppliers and their design was available for anyone else to use. This set the standard for the PC industry and enabled many companies to produce PCs almost identical in structure to each other. QUESTION 57

59 What we mean by “portable software” ? Answer: The Software might need to work across different types of computers with different architectures. So it has to run on all these architectures. QUESTION 58

60 Define the term reverse engineering. Answer: Its to build a function that does exactly the same thing as another function without breaking any copyright laws that exist for that other function. QUESTION 59

61 What were the reasons for the decline of Apple company? Answer: -The decision not to make the Macintosh an open industry standard in the same way as that IBM did with its PC. -The leadership of Apple which had many leaders come and go after Steve Jobs left. -The prices of Apple computers were always higher than an equivalent PC. QUESTION 60

62 Why they call the IBM the Big Blue or the Big Giant? Answer: Because of its Big size and power in the computer industry. QUESTION 61

63 List briefly the reasons that caused IBM to lose market? Answer: a-The decision to allow Microsoft to sell DOS to other supplies, instead of owning it exclusively. b- The surprising success of reverse engineering. c- The speed with which clones appeared. d- The delay in releasing an 80386 based computer. e- The advantage that small companies possess in a highly competitive industry. QUESTION 62

64 What are the key factors that helped IBM to make a turnaround? Answer: 1)- Their adoption of the internet with their promotion of integrated business solutions. 2)- IBM bought Lotus Domino development in 1995. 3)- IBM provides the server hardware such as AS/400 on which Domino can run. QUESTION 63

65 What is apple philosophy? And who founded it? Answer: Make computer accessible to every one and make it very easy to use, It was founded by Steve jobs & Steve Wozniak. QUESTION 64

66 What are the reasons that led to such dynamic and fast shifting relations between companies? Answer: 1.Moore’s law. 2.Passionate about computers. 3.Personalities. 4.Development costs. QUESTION 65

67 What are the differences between the IBM and Microsoft? Answer: - Number of customers: the number of customers in the pc industry is much larger than that of Mainframe ones. - Sales and Profits: The profit margin in a PC is very small while the profit of selling one Mainframe could be hundreds of thousands of dollars. - Customer relation: the relation between a Mainframe customer and the dealers continues for a very long time. On the other hand, the relation between a PC dealer and a customer is very short. - Employee’s type: Employees from IBM were very formal and tended to do things in a very professional, but sometimes in slow manner. On the other hand, Microsoft employees were young college graduates who worked in a smart but often unstructured ways. QUESTION 66

68 Define the desktop metaphor. On which product it first appeared? Answer: In this metaphor, the screen resembles the top of a desk, with various files on it and even a waste basket. It appeared in Lisa Computer. QUESTION 67

69 List 3 of Apple Company’s best products and a major feature in each one. Answer: -Apple II produced before IBM Pc and was best seller of its time. -Lisa computer which use the GUI. -Macintosh computer which contains the desktop publishing. QUESTION 68

70 That's Right!! Go To Question 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 23456789101112131415161718 192021222324252627282930313233343536 3738394041424344454647484950 51525354 55 56575859606162636465666768

71 Better Try Again!

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