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Do First-Open Packs to Day 6/7 7 Minutes With Partner Partner work directions: Use the 4 maps to answer the following questions with your partner. Once.

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Presentation on theme: "Do First-Open Packs to Day 6/7 7 Minutes With Partner Partner work directions: Use the 4 maps to answer the following questions with your partner. Once."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do First-Open Packs to Day 6/7 7 Minutes With Partner Partner work directions: Use the 4 maps to answer the following questions with your partner. Once you have found your answers, explain the answers to your partner! Partner ONE - 1.Locate the point from where the Silk Road originates. 2.How many Silk Roads are there in Eurasia (the region of Europe and Asia)? 3.How does the Silk Road act as a highway for Eurasia? Partner TWO - 1.Describe the geography of the area through which the Silk Road passes: 2.Describe the sights the travelers might see along the road: 3.Infer: What was it like to travel on the Silk Roads? What challenges might a trader face on along the Silk Roads?


3 Do first handout Partner work directions: Use the 4 maps to answer the following questions with your partner. Once you have found your answers, explain the answers to your partner! Partner ONE - 1.Locate the point from where the Silk Road originates. NEW SARAI, ANTIOCH, DAMASCUS, CHANG’AN 2.How many Silk Roads are there in Eurasia (the region of Europe and Asia)? MANY 3.How does the Silk Road act as a highway for Eurasia? TRANSPORTS IDEAS AND $$$ Partner TWO - 1.Describe the geography of the area through which the Silk Road passes: MOUNTAINOUS 2.Describe the sights the travelers might see along the road: CITIES, DIVERSE GEOGRAPHY, DANGER 3.Infer: What was it like to travel on the Silk Roads? What challenges might a trader face on along the Silk Roads? DANGEROUS, PROFITABLE

4 Objectives and Key Point SWBAT explain the significance of the Silk Road SWBAT identify the intended and unintended consequences of the Silk Road Silk Road = trade route linking Asia, Africa, Europe. Has intended/unintended consequences

5 Silk Road Historic Importance Silk is one of the softest fabrics in the world It became a symbol of wealth in the Ancient world What are some current symbols of wealth?

6 Silk is made by worms’ cocoons

7 What was the silk road? The Silk Road was an ancient 6,000 mile trade route linking Asia, Africa and Europe from 100 BCE to 1300 AD. It was set up primarily for trade (intended consequences) but affected people through its unintended consequences.

8 Intended Vs. unintended consequences Intended = plannedUnintended = unplanned

9 Trade – intended consequences Trade from the Silk Road helped spread wealth to merchants and to those involved in the production of the traded goods. Goods coming FROM THE EAST: Silk Gold, silver, iron, weapons, porcelain, tea, paper, gunpowder, and medicines, slaves, animals, ivory, furs, fabrics, woods, jade and other precious stones, incense, foodstuffs, dyes, and silver goods.

10 Trade – intended consequences Trade from the Silk Road helped spread wealth to merchants and to those involved in the production of the traded goods. Goods coming FROM THE WEST: Wool and linen, vessels of bronze and glass, beads, coins, rare plants, wine.

11 Unintended consequences These three unintended consequences of the Silk Road affected people connected to the trade routes by exposing them to new cultures, diseases and violence. CULTURAL DIFFUSION DISEASES VIOLENCE These are your headings for the bottom arrows! Save Room!

12 Unintended consequences Cultural diffusion: Travelers carried their beliefs and values to distant lands. Religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam that would have otherwise been isolated in their original country spread because of the Silk Road.

13 Unintended consequences Diseases: Contagious diseases spread along the trade routes, until immunities were acquired, deadly epidemics (Black Plague) took a terrible toll in the second and third centuries CE.

14 Unintended consequences Violence: Deaths along the trade routes were caused by bandits, robbers.

15 Guided practice Document Practice Page 34. Begin Homework- Page 36/37 “A Merchant’s Tale” then answer questions on page 37

16 Day 2 Silk Road 1.Finish “A Merchant’s Tale” then answer questions on page 37 2.Turn to Page 35. Team Projects. -Presentations by end of the class period!

17 The Silk Road was an ancient 6,000 mile trade route linking _______, Africa, and _________ from 100 BCE to 1300 AD. It was set up primarily for ______ (intended consequences) but affected people through its _________ consequences. From the WEST From the EAST Name: _________________ Unintended Consequences KEY POINT #2: The Silk Road was a major trade route connecting the regions of Europe, Asia and Africa where merchants exchanged goods and ideas.

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