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Unit 7: WWI and the Great Depression 8 th Grade Social Studies.

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1 Unit 7: WWI and the Great Depression 8 th Grade Social Studies

2 1. How did competition influence American imperialism and what were the impacts?

3 Reasons for American Imperialism: Imperialism: when a powerful nation uses its power to control the affairs of a weaker nation ▫Business wants new markets and natural resources ▫Need to establish naval bases and modernize the navy emphasized by Alfred T. Mahan ▫Social Darwinism: belief in superiority of Anglo-Saxon culture > spread Christianity, democracy, and capitalism

4 2. How did American economic and political decisions lead to US involvement in WWI? 3. How did new technologies impact warfare during WWI?

5 The MAIN causes of World War I  Militarism: military build-up encourages war instead of using all means of peaceful diplomacy 1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures France10% Britain13% Russia39% Germany73%

6 Alliances: each European power has made alliances that require them to take action if their allies are attacked.

7 Imperialism: great wealth accumulated through imperialism led to competition between European nations

8 Nationalism: patriotism > competition for power and territory between European nations (Britain, France, Germany, etc.)

9 1914 Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia > alliances bring other European nations into the war kPps&safe=active

10 Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia  Russia rises to Serbia’s defense  Germany will defend Austria-Hungary  attack on France (Russia’s ally) through Belgium  British enter the war against Germany

11 Allies (France, Britain, Russia and Italy) vs. Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Turks)

12 U.S. foreign policy = isolationism/neutrality Isolationists strongly oppose involvement in WWI 1915 Lusitania is sunk by German U-boats > ability to remain neutral is challenged

13 Why did America enter the war in 1917? ▫Jan 1917 Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare ▫Feb. 1917 Zimmerman telegram: Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico against the United States

14 4. How was life on the American home front affected by the US decision to go to war?

15 Espionage & Sedition Acts used to jail anti-war activists Women gain new opportunities in the workforce and express their patriotism by supporting the war effort (Result: 19 th Amendment)

16 Selective Service Act- conscription (draft troops) War Industries Board oversees mass production of weapons and war material

17 5. How were debate and negotiation used as nations sought an end to WWI?

18 Turning Points in WWI 1917 – Russian Revolution (Russia becomes a communist nation) ▫Result: Germany increases its attacks on the western front against the Allies 1918 - American Expeditionary Force arrive in France to help the Allies stop the German assault on the Western Front 1919 - Armistice ends the War

19 The Big Three (Britain, France, and the U.S.) will decide what the peace treaty will be Treaty of Versailles (1919) Ÿ Germany is punished by the treaty Germany forced to accept war-guilt clause, disarm its military, pay reparations to France & Britain League of Nations is created

20 U.S. Senate refuses to ratify the Treaty of Versailles Americans fear that the League of Nations may pull the United States into foreign wars in the future U.S. signs a separate peace treaty with Germany U.S. returns to policy of isolationism/ neutrality ▫Return to “Normalcy”

21 Roaring 1920s and Great Depression Dodecahedron Project

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