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Jeopardy Cause/ Effects of WWI WWI Battles Potpouri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy AlliancesLeaders.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Cause/ Effects of WWI WWI Battles Potpouri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy AlliancesLeaders."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Cause/ Effects of WWI WWI Battles Potpouri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy AlliancesLeaders

3 $100 Causes/ Effects of WWI Q:After WWI, the U.S.A. entered a period of?

4 $100 Causes/ Effects of WWI R: Isolationism

5 $200 Causes/ Effects of WWI Q: Which country had to assume war guilt for WWI, lost territory, and had to pay reparations?

6 $200 Causes/ Effects of WWI R:Germany

7 $300 Causes/ Effects of WWI Q: What effect did the war have on Russia?

8 $300 Causes/ Effects of WWI R: Had a revolution (turned Communist)

9 $400 Causes/ Effects of WWI Q:Which country came to the defense of Serbia because they were considered to be the Big Brother of the Slavic people?

10 $400 Causes/ Effects of WWI R:Russia

11 $500 Causes/ Effects of WWI Q: What were the four causes of WWI?

12 $500 Causes/ Effects of WWI R: 1.Imperialism 2.Nationalism 3.Militarism 4.Alliance System

13 $100 WWI Battles Q: What was the name of the first major battle of the war, whose significance is that the Schlieffen Plan didn’t work?

14 $100 WWI Battles R:Marne

15 $200 WWI Battles Q: What was the longest and deadliest battle of the war and of all time to that point?

16 $200 WWI Battles R: Verdun

17 $300 WWI Battles Q: At what battle did the Americans join in with the Allies to stop the advance of the Germans?

18 $300 WWI Battles R: 2 nd battle of the Marne

19 $400 WWI Battles Q: In the battle of control of the seas, what was the British strategy and what was the German strategy?

20 $400 WWI Battles R:Great Britain – naval blockade of Germany Germany – blockade backed by unrestricted submarine warfare

21 $500 WWI Battles Q: Where was the battle of Gallipoli fought?

22 $500 WWI Battles R: The Ottoman Empire

23 $100 Alliances Q: What were the two alliances before WWI?

24 $100 Alliances R: Triple Alliance and Triple Entente

25 $200 Alliances Q: Which country was a member of the Triple Alliance but dropped out and later joined the Allies?

26 $200 Alliances R: Italy

27 $300 Alliances Q: The Triple Alliance became known as what?

28 $300 Alliances R: Central Powers

29 $400 Alliances Q: Which country dropped out of the Allies and which country joined the Allies during the war?

30 $400 Alliances R:Russia dropped out; U.S.A. (Italy) joined

31 $500 Alliances Q: Which member of the Triple Entente joined with the Allies after Germany invaded neutral Belgium ?

32 $500 Alliances R:Great Britain

33 $100 Leaders Q: Who was the American President during WWI?

34 $100 Leaders R: Woodrow Wilson

35 $200 Leaders Q: Whose assassination “lit the fuse” which led to WWI?

36 $200 Leaders R: Archduke Franz Ferdinand

37 $300 Leaders Q: Clemenceau, the leader of France, wanted to punish who at the treaty of Versailles?

38 $300 Leaders R: Germany

39 $400 Leaders Q: What were the leaders of the major Allied countries called at the Versailles Conference?

40 $400 Leaders R:The Big Four

41 $500 Leaders Q: Who was the German leader that fired Von Bismark, built up the German military and abdicated at the end of WWI?

42 $500 Leaders R: Kaiser Wilhelm II

43 $100 Potpourri Q: Wilson’s plan for peace after WWI was called?

44 $100 Potpourri R:14 Points

45 $200 Potpourri Q:Which two countries were not invited to take part in the Paris Peace Conference (Treaty of Versailles)? ?

46 $200 Potpourri R: Germany and Russia

47 $300 Potpourri Q: The American Expeditionary Force, led by Pershing, fought with the Allies but insisted on what?

48 $300 Potpourri R:That they have their own commander and fought independent of the other Allies

49 $400 Potpourri Q: What was the main reason for American entrance into WWI?

50 $400 Potpourri Unrestricted submarine warfare

51 $500 Potpourri Q:Which group rejected the entire Versailles Treaty because of the idea of a League of Nations? ?

52 $500 Potpourri A:The U.S. Senate

53 Final Jeopardy Question What was signed on November 11, 1918?

54 Final Jeopardy Response An Armistice

55 How Much?

56 Taft mainly dealt with the economic aspects of Imperialism which included encouraging and protecting American investments. This was called what?

57 Daily Double Réponse Dollar Diplomacy

58 Daily Double Slide Location $400 Para estar en forma Question To change Daily Double: (1) Link Para estar en forma, $400 question to correct question page (2) Select new daily double location, edit link to daily double slide. (3) To change... right click game board square. Select: hyperlink --> edit hyperlink and select.

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