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Junior College Testing Conversation  PSAT preparation  Get ready for the SAT and ACT  Method Test Prep and other prep options  Get ready for the search!

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Presentation on theme: "Junior College Testing Conversation  PSAT preparation  Get ready for the SAT and ACT  Method Test Prep and other prep options  Get ready for the search!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior College Testing Conversation  PSAT preparation  Get ready for the SAT and ACT  Method Test Prep and other prep options  Get ready for the search!

2 Get PSAT ready!  PSAT will be held on October 15 th during school hours. No cost to students! All juniors will take the test  Review the Student Guide that you were given today. Missed your flex lesson? Pick it up in the Counseling Office

3 Plan out future test dates  We recommend taking both the SAT and the ACT at least once in junior year!  Testing dates are show on handouts provided …. First test dates might be: March (SAT) and April (ACT). This gives time to prepare between your PSAT and the SAT! Other test dates later in May or June are good, too!

4 Tools for Preparation!  PSAT results will be available in December. Use your personalized MyCollege Quickstart to review your results when they are in  Method Test Prep: this is a free and comprehensive tool to prepare for both SAT and ACT. Access this through your Career Cruising account  Check the School Counseling Website for additional local testing prep resources



7 Next Steps  Counselors will be working with juniors again in flex in two weeks to begin the College Search process in Naviance  College Visits at BHS: Recommended for information-gathering, BUT we do not recommend missing an academic class in order to meet with the college rep!!

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