OLF Falcons Tech Club. When and Where will the Tech Club occur?  The meetings will be on Thursdays at lunch recess in the computer lab.  The meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "OLF Falcons Tech Club. When and Where will the Tech Club occur?  The meetings will be on Thursdays at lunch recess in the computer lab.  The meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 OLF Falcons Tech Club

2 When and Where will the Tech Club occur?  The meetings will be on Thursdays at lunch recess in the computer lab.  The meetings will be from 12:20pm to 1:00pm.

3 What will be covered in these meetings?  In the meetings, students will learn how to use various applications on the computers and the iPads.

4 We Will Use...........

5 Microsoft Powerpoint

6 Google Drive

7 iMovie

8 When will it start?  The program will start in January 2015. Announcements will be made about starting dates.  Listen on the announcements for further meetings.

9 Useful Resources  All of the information covered will be uploaded to the club's website at: www.falconstechclub.yolasite.com  The login for the "Material" page is as follows: The login for the "Material" page is as follows:  Login: OLF1234 Login: OLF1234  Password: 1234 Password: 1234


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