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Adolescence Adolescence is the period of time between the start of puberty and full maturation. Puberty is the period of human development during which.

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Presentation on theme: "Adolescence Adolescence is the period of time between the start of puberty and full maturation. Puberty is the period of human development during which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adolescence Adolescence is the period of time between the start of puberty and full maturation. Puberty is the period of human development during which people become able to produce children. A hormone is a chemical substance made and released in one part of the body that causes a change in another part of the body. The testes are the male reproductive structures that make sperm and produce the male hormone testosterone.

2 Physical Changes During Puberty Girls: Appearance of hair on underarms and around genitals. Development of the breasts. Widening of the hips and pelvis. Start of menstruation and ovulation.

3 Physical changes during puberty Boys: Appearance of hair on the face, on underarms, and around genitals Deepening of voice Broadening of shoulders Enlargement of testes and penis

4 Physical changes during puberty Both: Growth spurts Facial acne Change in muscle strength Rise in sex hormones

5 Mental changes during adolescence Mental changes are changes that occur in the thinking process. During early adolescence, boys and girls process information in a simple way. Situations are usually seen from only one side without considering the other person’s point of view.

6 Mental changes during adolescence During the middle adolescence period, often believe that nothing bad will ever happen to them. For example, teens believe that others may get into accidents but that they themselves will not. They may think this way because the brain is still maturing.

7 Mental changes during adolescence As adolescence progresses, teens can learn to think in a more sophisticated and complex manner. They are able to understand that actions taken today can have consequences the following day or in ten years. They are able to reason more effectively, compare options, and make logical, mature decisions. They are also able to view situations from another person’s perspective. This development helps teens become more compassionate toward others and greatly improves their relationships.

8 Emotional Changes During Adolescence Anger, loneliness, and even depression can be common during adolescence. Many of these feelings come from the teen’s desire to become more independent. Emotional maturity means learning to handle those strong emotions in an emotionally healthy way. Sometimes mental, emotional, or sexual emotions during adolescence can feel so strong that some teens believe that they do not have control over what they do. This belief is not true.

9 Emotional Changes Teens are very capable of learning to feel intense emotions and not act on them. Successfully separating feelings from behaviors makes a teen more mature and independent.

10 Social Changes During Adolescence Increased expectations: As you mature, you may find that your parents expect more from you. And hopefully, you will find that your expectations of yourself increase as well. Evaluating these expectations and discussing which are negotiable and which are not are important for teens. Changing relationships: As a teen you will find yourself wanting to spend more time with your friends than with family.

11 Social Changes Evaluating your relationships: Does this friendship bring out the best in me, or does it discourage me? Does this friendship make me a stronger or weaker person? Does this person respect me and allow me to share my opinions and beliefs, or does this person insist that I conform to his or her ways? A healthy relationship is one in which each person encourages the other.

12 Social changes Increased responsibilities: Independence is really about taking responsibility for one’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Teens must start to communicate in a more mature manner, which entails listening well, allowing others to talk, and respectfully considering others’ feelings and ideas. Good communication skills are very important.

13 Social Changes Working outside the home: Working requires maturity and responsibility. The demand for teens to act mature, to dress appropriately, and to have good hygiene habits is greater than ever on the job. Teens can behave maturely by understanding the expectations of their boss and following through with commitments. The consequences of a job poorly done can range from receiving a pay cut to being fired.

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