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Cooperative Advertising Advertising. Purpose of Advertising Calling the public attention to one's product/service, especially by paid announcements in.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperative Advertising Advertising. Purpose of Advertising Calling the public attention to one's product/service, especially by paid announcements in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperative Advertising Advertising

2 Purpose of Advertising Calling the public attention to one's product/service, especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc. To get more customers: traffic, repurchases

3 Cooperative Advertising Direct mail Print advertising Door hangers Online advertising

4 What is cooperative advertising? Cooperative advertising offers: small businesses to reach a wider audience through partnerships with other businesses. combining ad funds and ad creatives, For example, a hair salon might go into an ad co-op with a spa.

5 Direct Mail Co-Ops share the cost of letter design, printing and bulk mail pricing

6 Postcard

7 Print Advertising Co-Ops the co-op buys a large block of ad space or an entire page in the newspaper or magazine. design the ad block each of the companies in the block share an equal portion of the space. the costs are split equally among the co-op.


9 Door Hanger Co-Ops co-op can split the costs of printing the hangers and distributing them


11 Online Advertising Co-Ops Spread out the cost of advertising on large and popular sites. The amount of impressions or clicks for the ad would be paid by the members of the co-op

12 Youtube

13 Advertising Media Types of Media Print – (Publisher, Word, PowerPoint, bighugelabs (magazine)) Broadcast media – (Word) Online media (Blog, website template in Word) Specialty (your choice)

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