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An Equal Opportunity University UK Academic Readiness Program Roll-out this spring targeting students admitted for Fall 2009.

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1 An Equal Opportunity University UK Academic Readiness Program Roll-out this spring targeting students admitted for Fall 2009

2 An Equal Opportunity University Challenge Before Us Provost’s War on Attrition (e.g., one goal is to raise graduation rates to 64% in 3 years) KY Admin Regs (13 KAR 2:020) requires UK to remediate students with ACT sub-scores below 20 in reading 19 in math 18 in English UK 1st- to 2nd-year retention rate ~75% for F’06 entering cohort; record high ~81% F’07

3 An Equal Opportunity University Target Population at UK 24.9% - 30.7% students in UK’s last 5 entering cohorts fall below KY standard for readiness Past 3 entering cohorts show 700-1000 students admitted with deficiencies identified by ACT (doesn’t include ~300 students who take only SAT) ~100 students show deficit in all 3 content areas ~most need help in college reading and math

4 An Equal Opportunity University Intentional Engagement “Students are more likely to stay in schools that involve them as valued members of the institution. The frequency and quality of contact with faculty, staff and other students have repeatedly been shown to be independent predictors of student persistence.” - Vincent Tinto

5 An Equal Opportunity University

6 Academic Readiness Program Goals Incoming at-risk students will: 1.Establish networks for success with faculty, librarians, advisors and support staff 2.Successfully complete intro courses/workshops 3.Create lasting peer relationships that support best models for student learning at UK

7 An Equal Opportunity University Stages in AR Program I.After students are admitted/confirmed  Social networking, COMPASS placement, tutoring  Early Summer Advising Conference (June 22) II.Before first Fall Semester  Online tutoring (can continue through first year if needed) III.First year experience  Math: dual enrollment with BCTC for MA108R  Reading: supplemental instruction in A&S100 or GEN109  Writing: writing workshop in A&S100 & UK101

8 An Equal Opportunity University Key Points of Action Academic Readiness liaisons work with advisors to decide ARP students’ learning plans after COMPASS scores received Social networking content/leadership from colleges to address expectations in chosen majors Advisor handbook (wiki) expansion Institutional research, consistent communication to assure meaningful interventions

9 An Equal Opportunity University Role of Office of Retention & Student Success Serve as support for colleges in preparation for and during summer advising conferences –Hobsons Retain students: VIP page and social networking with peer mentors advisors: regular reports on students admitted/confirmed –COMPASS placement tests per academic area –Facilitate online tutoring w/learning plan on VIP page Tracking student progress/performance

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