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Quarter 1 Lesson 3. Corroboration (n.) -to strengthen or support with evidence Synonyms: confirmation, validation.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarter 1 Lesson 3. Corroboration (n.) -to strengthen or support with evidence Synonyms: confirmation, validation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarter 1 Lesson 3

2 Corroboration (n.) -to strengthen or support with evidence Synonyms: confirmation, validation

3 Corroboration A lawyer supports his client by telling the jury that the client is telling the truth A lawyer supports his client by providing a witness who says that the client is telling the truth

4 Formidable (adj.) Of great strength, forceful, or powerful Synonyms: Powerful, impressive, intimidating

5 Would you consider an autocrat to be formidable?

6 Trepidation (n.) A state of alarm or dread Synonyms: anxiety, apprehension, fear

7 Would someone feeling trepidation be likely to quake?

8 Hypocrite (n.) Someone who pretends to have virtues, beliefs, or principles that he or she does not actually possess Synonyms: imposter, pretender, beguiler, phony

9 Hypocrite A college student says that he disapproves of drinking, but gets drunk at parties every weekend A college student says that he disapproves of drinking, but he attends parties where there is drinking

10 Partisan (n.) A supporter of a person, group, party, or cause Synonyms: prejudiced, partial, biased

11 Might someone who is a partisan be a member of a sect?

12 Prodigious (adj.) large in size, amount, extent, or degree Synonyms: tremendous, colossal, immense

13 In a debate, would someone with prodigious knowledge of the topic be a formidable opponent?

14 The ruining of a good reputation of another based on false reasons Synonyms: character assassination, slur, belittlement Defamation (n.)

15 Defamation A girl starts a negative rumor about another girl at school The entire school thinks a girl is a slut

16 Bemused (adj.) Lost in thought or preoccupied Synonyms: withdrawn, inattentive, unmindful

17 Bemused A man responds quickly to a difficult question A man is too distracted to hear the question just asked

18 Malign (v.) To speak badly of Synonyms: defame, scandalize, injure

19 Is there a difference between malign and defamation?

20 Methodical (adj.) Arranged systematically Synonyms: careful, deliberate, precise

21 True or false: A methodical teacher will follow strict lesson plans

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