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How a Place Turns into a Destination. Once upon a time there was a little village …..

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Presentation on theme: "How a Place Turns into a Destination. Once upon a time there was a little village ….."— Presentation transcript:

1 How a Place Turns into a Destination

2 Once upon a time there was a little village …..

3 How a Place Turns into a Destination … and in this village there was a little church ….

4 How a Place Turns into a Destination One day the „Hessenschau“ made a film about the bellringers of Kleinseelheim Attraction?! I wish we had an automatic bell-ringing machine!

5 How a Place Turns into a Destination Some people came ….Some came at the right opening times. Our church seems to be something special!!! How disap- pointing! How interesting!

6 How a Place Turns into a Destination Then there was a new trend … Suddenly the church was part of an other attraction!

7 How a Place Turns into a Destination Many pilgrims came …. Crazy Pilgrims Cute little church!

8 How a Place Turns into a Destination The problem of access had to be solved …. … now the church door was open all day.

9 How a Place Turns into a Destination The pilgrims had many questions …. Why? How do I get to …. When? The inhabitants started to explain, write signs …. And thus the first ancillary services were created.

10 How a Place Turns into a Destination The pilgrims als had many needs …. Could I use your bathroom, please? Where can I buy something to drink? You can stay in my son‘s room tonight. He‘s studying in the States at the moment! Being nice people the inhabitants offered their services …

11 How a Place Turns into a Destination The visitors changed their perspective …. Cute Village! Friendly people Delicious home- made food!

12 How a Place Turns into a Destination And so did the inhabitants ….. Interesting people! This could be business! How can we attract more people? And they started to offer lots of amenities: soon there were a little shop, a café, and a bed and breakfast place.

13 How a Place Turns into a Destination They also discovered that the bike trail leading past their village might be useful for business, too. How could we get those crazy bikers to stop here, too? And they started to join regional events like the car-less Sunday.

14 How a Place Turns into a Destination The visitors liked the region ….. What else is there to do and see? How do we get there?

15 How a Place Turns into a Destination The inhabitants gave advice ….. If I were you, I‘d go to Roemer‘s farm for riding lessons. You can use the No. 75 Bus Why don‘t you go to the outdoor swimming pool in Kirchhain? Well, there are good restaurants in Amoeneburg !

16 How a Place Turns into a Destination The inhabitants thought….. What can we do to attract more people? This looks like more business! What can we do to make them stay longer? And they created more ancillary services: soon there was a rent-a-bike-store, they put up lots of signs, they promoted their village through a web-site, they offered guided tours and events.

17 How a Place Turns into a Destination Because this was costly they started to co-operate with other towns and villages

18 How a Place Turns into a Destination Because the politicians in Hesse, Germany and the EU saw that tourism could generate jobs they funded some of the projects

19 How a Place Turns into a Destination And they all lived happily ever after in the beautiful Burgwald region.

20 Push- und Pullfaktoren im Tourismus Pushfaktoren: Gründe, die die Menschen zum Reisen bewegen, Voraussetzungen, die das Reisen ermöglichen, die touristische Nachfrage  Reisemotive, z.B. Bildung  Reiseanlässe, z.B. Handel, Pilgerfahrten, …  Genügend Freizeit und Geld  Technische Möglichkeiten (wie z.B. Auto)

21 Push- und Pullfaktoren im Tourismus Pullfaktoren: Faktoren, die die Menschen dazu bewegen, in eine bestimmte Destination zu reisen, das touristische Angebot Tourismus: wichtiger Wirtschafts- und Standortfaktor Ziel der Akteure in einer Destination: Pullfaktoren verstärken

22 The Four A‘s of Tourism Attractions Everything which makes tourists come to a place. Cultural and natural features, Man-made features (theme-parks), Amenities like special hotels, restaurants, shops can become attractions, too.

23 The Four A‘s of Tourism Amenities (Angebote, Einrichtungen) The features which serve the tourists‘ needs: shops, restaurants, accommodation, …  Many amenities have already been at a place to serve the inhabitants‘ needs.  Some amenities are especially created for tourists. Once they are there they do not only enhance tourism but also  economy as a whole as well as  the inhabitants‘ life quality

24 The Four A‘s of Tourism Access (Zugang) The features which enable the tourist to get to or into an attraction: Roads, parking lots, public transportation, stairs, lifts, …. Information (maps, guide books, signs)

25 The Four A‘s of Tourism Ancillary (Auxiliary) Services (Dienstleistungen) The features which help the tourist to use and enjoy attractions and amenities and enable them to gain access to these things and which help people in the tourist business to earn money with tourism.  Travel Agencies (Reisemittler, z.B Reisebüros)  Tour Operators (Reiseveranstalter)  Carriers (Transportunternehmen)  Marketing Agencies (Marketing Agenturen, z.B. Fremdenverkehrsämter)

26 The Four A‘s of Tourism

27 Hausaufgabe

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