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Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section B Brainstorm a list of things that are important to you when you go on vacation. 1a weather, sights, price,

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2 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section B

3 Brainstorm a list of things that are important to you when you go on vacation. 1a weather, sights, price, hotel, shopping, food, transportation culture, tradition, education … weather, sights, price, hotel, shopping, food, transportation culture, tradition, education …

4 2a Listen. Jeff has a summer job at a travel agency. Number the pictures. 1 2 3

5 2b Listen again and complete the chart. Wants Doesn t want Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 to go some- where warm to fly to go on a nature tour to go anywhere cold to go some- where thats fun for kids to go to a big city

6 A: Where would you like to go? B: Id like to go somewhere warm. A: Hmm … How about Hainan? B: That sounds great. I hope to have a relaxing vacation. A: What else can you tell me? B: I dont want to spend too much time on the way and I dont like flying. 2c Working for a travel agency.

7 Tom likes to go somewhere warm and relaxing. He doesn t want to spend too much time on the way and doesn t like flying. It s best to have a lot of outdoor activities and hotels that are not expensive. So I think Hainan is a good choice for him. Report example:

8 3a Pre-reading: Listen and finish the chart. PlaceMy family and I want to take a trip this summer ________________ in eastern China. ActivityIt has to be a place where we can do lots of ______________ activities. HotelIt would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen so we could save money by _____________ our own meals. AdviceCould you please give me some _____________ for vacation spots? The e-mail is_______________________. somewhere outdoor cooking suggestions to ask for advice

9 3a Read the statements about the article. Write T, F or DK. Dear Ace Travel, My family and I want to take a trip this summer somewhere in eastern China. I hope you can provide me with some infor- mation about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer. We would like to travel to an exciting place and we dont mind how far we have to go. It has to be a place where we can do lots of outdoor activities, We especially love hiking and swimming, but any kind of outdoor activities is fine. We also need to stay in an inexpensive hotel or apartment. It would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen so we could save money by cooking our own meals. The room needs to be big enough for three people. Also, wed like to stay at a place with a big pool or somewhere near the ocean. Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots? Also, please let us know if its best to travel by plane, train or bus. Wed like to be away for about three weeks. Thank you very much. S.T. Zhang

10 1. The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation. ______ 2. The person wants to relax and do nothing on vacation. ______ 3. The person is a man. ______ 4. The person has children. ______ 5. The person likes to swim. ______ 6. The person wants to go to another country. ___ F F DK T F The family wants an inexpensive hotel or apartment and wants to save money by cooking. The family enjoys hiking and swimming. The person wants to go to eastern China. 3a

11 Detailed reading: Fill in the chart. How many requirements does Zhang have? What are they? 1. go to somewhere ________________. 2. would like to travel to________________. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. in eastern China an exciting place can do lots of outdoor activities. stay in an inexpensive hotel or apartment. get a room with a kitchen. stay in a place with a big pool or somewhere near the ocean. travel by plane, train or bus. 3a

12 1.I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer. (1) I hopethat your firm can offer (2) provide, …… ……, provide sth. The school will provide tents, but we must bring our own food. provide sth. for sb. provide sb. with sth. They provided food and clothes for the poor. = They provided the poor with food and clothes.

13 (3) offer …… offer n. They offered a new proposal. offer sb. sth. offer sth. to sb. …… He offered his help to me. She offered him a cup of tea. offer to do He offered to help us. He offered to play soccer with us on Sunday.

14 2. We would like to travel to an exciting place, and we dont mind how far we have to go., (1)exciting excite,-ing excited excite -ed-ing exciting -ed excited The audience were deeply moved when they saw the moving film Titanic.

15 (2) mind …… mind -ing It doesnt matter, I dont mind the heat. Do you mind my standing here? (3) have to, My home is far from my school, so I have to get up early every morning.

16 have to must must have to have to have to must I have to go home early this afternoon. We must clean our classroom every day.

17 Imagine you work for Ace Travel Agency. Write an e-mail back to S.T. Zhang. Tell him or her where he or she should go on vacation. 3b Dear S.T. Zhang, Thanks for your letter, I think __________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ______ Welcome to our agency! Yours, D. F. Black

18 Dear S.T. Zhang, Thanks for your letter. I think Qingdao is a good choice for you. Its a beautiful coastal city in eastern China and you can go there by train or by ship. The weather is pleasant and the best thing about it is that you can enjoy lots of outdoor activities there, such as swimming and hiking. Whats more, you can easily rent a room with quite a reasonable price and cook the seafood you catch in the sea. What do you think of it? Write to me if you need any other help. Ace Travel Example 3b

19 Sum up (vocabulary) Read and translate: vacation, enjoy, weather, sights, price, hotel, shopping, food, transportation, culture, tradition, education, information, somewhere, go on a nature tour, depend on, whale watch tour, advertisement

20 Sum up (sentence structures) Where would you like to visit? Where would like to go on vacation? Id like to go somewhere relaxing. I hope to go to France some day. Id love to visit Mexico.

21 1. The ______ ( ) is one of the four oceans on the earth. 2. At that time, she was busy ______ ( ) her clothes. 3. A lot of ______ ( ) have been built in our town these years. 4. My dream is to become a ______ ( ). 5. The box is much ______ ( ) than that one.

22 Key: 1. Pacific 2. packing 3. companies 4. translator 5. lighter

23 1. Id like to visit the Summer Palace for the next May Day holiday. ( ) _____ _____ you _____ to visit for the next May Day holiday? 2. This is the shop. I always go shopping in this shop. ( ) This is the shop _____ _____ I always go shopping. 3. Shes willing to help others in any way she can. ( ) _____ she _____ _____ help others in any way she can?

24 4. Hold on to your dreams, and one day they may come true. ( ) _____ you _____ on to your dreams, one day they may come true. 5. Shes never been to London. ( ) Shes never been to London, _____ _____?

25 Key: 1. Where would; like 2. in which 3. Is; willing to 4. If; hold 5. has she

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