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ALGERIA IMPERIALIZED BY FRANCE. TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Motives Methods Primary Source Independence Algeria Today Graphs Conclusion.

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2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Motives Methods Primary Source Independence Algeria Today Graphs Conclusion

3 BACKGROUND Located in northwest Africa, Algeria is the largest African country Has a warm climate and rich farmland Algerians are primarily Muslim Two distinct groups of people, Arabs and Berbers, both with their own customs and languages Most popular languages are Arabic, French, and Berber dialect (World Book Advanced)

4 MOTIVES 1 European countries had growing interest in overseas colonies and France felt that they had to compete with Britain over Empires (Student Resources in Context) French King Charles X sent an overseas expedition to Algeria, in response to Algerian pirate attacks on merchant ships (France: A Reference Guide, pg. 116) King Charles X wanted a military victory to strengthen his power in France (World Book Advanced) e193.html

5 MOTIVES 2 Algeria already was trading with France from 1815-1816 (Student Resources in Context) After defeat of Algerian pirates, it began to be seen as a possible addition to the British or French empires (Student Resources in Context)

6 MOTIVES 3 French wanted to develop a modern economy system in Algeria Algeria had natural resources that Europeans wanted (citrus fruits, wine) and France felt that they could gear Algeria’s agriculture to their needs French nationalism made many believe in a more “French Algeria” (France: A Reference Guide) _main.html

7 METHODS 1 In 1830 French took over the principal ports and set up a system of fortified posts to put an end to piracy (Student Resources in Context) Natives immediately fought back against French control (Student Resources in Context) Algerians, lead by nationalist Abd al-Qatar, fought back using guerrilla warfare until 1847 (Student Resources in Context) Abd al-Qatar captured and defeated in 1847 (ABC Clio)

8 METHODS 2 French began taking over in 1847 (Student Resources in Context) More than 1 million European settlers arrived (ABC Clio) French confiscated grazing land and sold it at low prices to new settlers (ABC Clio)

9 METHODS 3 Algerians had little political power (ABC Clio) Many lived in poverty while Europeans’ wealth flourished (ABC Clio) French put in heavy resistance against opposing Algerians (ABC Clio) Europeans opposed any reformation to give Algerians more rights or a voice in government (World Book Advanced) PlayListIDPLwXVqVuzasXcPEhHMQjWW2352gcNxQlqr

10 PRIMARY SOURCE “After the colony of St. Marie was founded in Madagascar, the government set up several companies of black soldiers, Wollofs from Senegal. These African soldiers have demonstrated that they are quite the equal of French soldiers in courage. They are intelligent and inured to fatigue. Military disciple is easily imposed upon them and they can be turned into excellent auxiliary troops, especially when they are employed in their own climates. With a few corps of these black soldiers, it would be easy to drive back the Kabyles into their mountains; we could then force into submission those Arabs who have so far not recognized the authority of the King of France.” -Unidentified French Military Officer This letter shows some of France’s methods for imperializing Africa They were going to use troops of native Africans that were more accustom to the climate to more easily take over new nations France feels that the people of Africa do not yet respect the authority of Europe They want the people of the countries they are trying to imperialize to recognize France’s power (Historical Text Archive) nqEaIvSkq4o/UHIKnI8Yp- I/AAAAAAAAQg4/b7VfEBniiyE/s1600/French% 2Bsoldiers%2B1870.jpg

11 INDEPENDENCE 1 Algerian nationalism grew after WWII (World Book Advanced) Algerians launched Sétif Massacre, May 8, 1945 (ABC Clio) –Nationalists massacred Europeans, hundreds of Muslims killed as well –Muslims returning from war were shocked In 1954, young nationalists formed the Front de Liberation Nationale (National Liberation Front/ FLN) to lead the Algerian War of Independence (World Book Advanced) FLN launched a revolution on November 1, 1954 (World Book Advanced)

12 INDEPENDENCE 2 Carried out ambushes, assassinations, and bombing raids against the French in both Algeria and France (ABC Clio) August 20, 1955, launched Philippeville Massacre (ABC Clio) –Thousands of civilians and Algerians were massacred French forced millions of Algerians into concentration camps, tortured rebel leaders (World Book Advanced) /

13 INDEPENDENCE 3 French forces no longer able able to fight back against the Algerians (ABC Clio) By the late 1950's, French military began losing trust and support of French people (World Book Advanced) Peace talks began in 1961 (World Book Advanced) FLN president Charles de Gaulle declared Algeria independent in 1962 (ABC Clio) Ahmed Ben Bella became first president of Algeria (ABC Clio) Algerian War of Independence cost 18,000 French military deaths, 3,000 French civilian deaths, and about 300,000 Muslim deaths (ABC Clio) e/charles-de-gaulle-9269794

14 ALGERIA TODAY- POLITICAL Their government is a republic- “People's Democratic Republic of Algeria” Head of Government: President Abdelmalek Sellal Chief of State: President Abdelaziz Bouteflika Algeria has taken the lead in working on issues of the African continent (Global Edge)

15 ALGERIA TODAY- ECONOMIC Gross Domestic Product : $552 billion GDP Per Capita: $7,500.00 USD Population below poverty: 23% Unemployment rate: 9.8% (Global Edge)

16 ALGERIA TODAY- SOCIAL Strong gender roles, male-dominant society Only about 10% of labor force is female Women typically marry young and care for children Literacy rate: 69.9% Life expectancy: 76 Years Dumping of raw sewage, oil refinery, runoff, and soil erosion leading to pollution of rivers, coastal waters, and the Mediterranean Sea (Country Reports)

17 GRAPHS Algeria makes a lot less GDP per capita than more developed countries, but it is still better off than many African countries Although Algeria has a higher poverty rate than the United States, it is much lower than other African countries because Algeria is more developed and its people are more wealthy (Country Reports)

18 CONCLUSION I think imperialism helped Algeria after independence. They now have a steady trade relationship with France that helps support the economy. When France imperialized Algeria, they developed a more modern economy and it is strong even after Algeria’s independence. France inspired Algeria’s government and they now have a strong, steady republic. Algeria now has $52,660,000,000 (USD) of exports, which is a lot higher than other countries of the African continent, showing that France had a strong impact there. France is consuming 13.6% of those exports. Also, 22.7% of Algeria imports come from France. Imperialism was definitely a positive for Algeria.

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