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Signs and symbols around us.... Signs in the street…. What does it mean? It means that this is a parking area.

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Presentation on theme: "Signs and symbols around us.... Signs in the street…. What does it mean? It means that this is a parking area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Signs and symbols around us...

2 Signs in the street…. What does it mean? It means that this is a parking area.

3 Signs in the street…. What is this telling me?

4 Signs in buildings…. If I saw this sign, what might be near me?

5 Signs in buildings…. What does it mean? No Smoking.

6 Symbols and logos all around us…. We use signs all the time. Sometimes, we use them to save time, instead of words...

7 Why do you think we use this sign? No Open flames.

8 Why do you think we use this sign? No Forklifts.

9 Why do you think we use this sign? No pets.

10 Why do you think we use this sign? It means that we are prohibited to swim.

11 Why do you think we use this sign? It means that we are not allowed hunting or fishing.

12 It means that we are prohibited to throw litter away!

13 Why do you think we use this sign? It means that we must turn off engine.

14 Public displays of affection are not proper Indians generally allow an arm’s length space between them selves and others. Don’t stand close to indians. Indians value personal space. Indian men may engage in friendly back patting merely as a sign of friendship. When an Indian smiles and jerks his/her head backward – a gesture that looks some what like a western “no” – or moves his head in a figure 8, this means “yes.” The western side-to-side hand wave for “hello“ is frequently interpreted by Indians as “no” or “go away.” Use your right hand only to touch someone, pass money or pick up merchandise. The left hand is considered unclean. Body language of india

15 Do not touch anyone’s head. The head is considered sensitive. Feet are considered unclean. Feet are sacred for holy men and women. Pointing footwear at people is consideran insult. Indians are very sensitive to being beckoned rudely. Hand and arm waved up and down (western “good-bye”) means “come here.” to beckon, extend your arm, palm down, and make a scratching motion with fingers kept together. Never point with a single finger or two fingers (used only with inferiors). Point with your chin, whole hand or thumb. The chin is not to point at superiors.

16 Body language in the UAE and amongst Arabs is completely different to that in the west. And because there a many Arabs here from different countries, it would make sense to understand a little about what certain body language might mean. We have touched on the importance of not showing the sole of your foot, but there are many more which we will briefly sum up here. Remember that in the Middle East, the concept of personal space is a lot smaller that in the West, and though you may feel that your space is being invaded, this is a normal part of society. Be careful when dealing with females making sure that you do not stare or initiate physical contact. Hand on Heart - while this is usually just used as a phrase in the West, the Arabs actually place their hands on their hands on their heart to show genuine respect and humility. Sometimes, this is used in combination with a small bow, meaning thank you. The Chin Scratch – scratching or holding of a chin or beard is an indication that someone is thinking. It might be wise to wait until the person has finished thinking this before continuing talking, if it takes place during a moment of silence. Kissing – friends kissing each other on the check is considered normal and not linked to homosexuality. It is a sign of friendship, and it is common amongst male friends. Body language in the Arab world

17 Kissing the shoulder – this is another greeting and usually one of respect. It is often used when Muslims go on the hajj to Mecca. The hand hold – holding hands even for a long period after shaking hands is common place and a sign of friendship. The hug – if a hug is initiated by an Arab, then it is a sign that you are considered a trustworthy or unclean. The refusal to touch – if an Arab refuses to touch you, it may be an indication that he considers you untrustworthy or unclean. Conversational staring – if an Arab stares you in the eye as you speak, it means that he is giving you his full attention. If he doesn’t, it means that he may not care what you are saying. Bear this in mind and reciprocate giving eye contact.

18 Created by : 1.Iin Novitiya 2.Indah Rahmawati 3.Masru’ah IKIP PGRI BOJONEGORO 2011/2012

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