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SME.USTB Human Factors 人机工程学 By Wei Dong Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB.

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2 SME.USTB Human Factors 人机工程学 By Wei Dong Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB

3 SME.USTB Chapter 2 Research Methodologies 人机工程学研究方法

4 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Systems 系统 Definition of Systems 系统的定义 Characteristics of Systems 系统的特征 System Reliability 系统的可靠性

5 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Definition of Systems 系统的定义 The concept of a system implies that we recognize a purpose; we carefully analyze the purpose; we understand what is required to achieve the purpose; we design the system ’ s parts to accomplish the requirements; and we fashion a well-coordinated system that effectively meets our purpose.

6 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Characteristics of Systems 系统的特征 Systems are purposive 系统是有目的的 Systems can be Hierarchical 系统具有继承性 Systems Operate in an Environment 系统存在于特定的环境中 Components Serve Functions 系统的组成元素具有一定的功能 Components Interact 系统的组成元素之间具有相互作用

7 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Systems can be Hierarchical 系统的继承性 Computer Operating software Application software hareware software Mac X Windows 98 3D MAX Screen CPU Photoshop mainboard ……

8 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Systems can be Hierarchical 系统的继承性 World Wide Web Local Area NetWork Wide Area NetWork Workgroup

9 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB System Operate in an Environment 系统运行在一定环境之中 Human-Machine System Work place Power Supply lighting Communication

10 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Components Serve Functions and Interact 系统组成部分具有一定的功能及其相互作用 keyboard mouse scaner printer telephone body screen CD Floppy disk

11 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB System Reliability 系统可靠性 Components in Series 串联设计 Components in Parallel 并行设计

12 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Which is more Reliable ? 哪一个更可靠 “ Components in Series ”“ Components in Parallel ”

13 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Human-Machine Systems 人机系统 Structure of human-machine systems 人机系统的组成 Information transfer 人机系统的信息传递过程与环节 Basic issues of human-machine system 人机系统设计的基本问题 Example 实例分析

14 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Human-Machine Systems 人机系统 Interface

15 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Structure of Human-Machine Systems 人机系统的组成 人 机器 人机界面 输出 输入

16 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Information transfer 人机系统的信息传递过程 人 机器 人机界面 输入 输出

17 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB 控制环节 Interfaces of Human-Machine Systems 人机系统的信息传递环节 人 机器 Input Output 显示环节

18 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Display Interface 显示环节

19 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Control Interface 控制环节

20 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Control Interface – Methods of Work 控制环节 – 工作方式设计 1 : 1.03 : 1.09 : 1.14 : 1.29 : 1.44 Double pack head rucksack rice bag yoke hands 工作方式对工作效率的影响

21 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Basic issues of Human-Machine Systems 人机系统设计的基本问题 人机如何有效地传递 信息 显示环节 控制环节 人机合理分工 系统环境 神经系统 显示系统控制系统 感觉系统运动系统 机器主体 系统环境 人机界面 输入输出

22 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Example 实例 操作控制台时要考虑的 人机界面: 眼 —— 屏关系 手 —— 台关系 人 —— 椅关系 脚 —— 地关系

23 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Review 小结 人机系统的组成 人机系统的基本问题 人机有效传递信息(显示与控制) 人机合理分工 环境问题

24 Chapter 2 : Research Methodologies Department of Industry Design, SME, USTB Group Discussion 讨论与作业 预习教材第二章 “ 人体测量与数据应用 ” 的 前五节。

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