Kindergarten Social Studies Standards. I can wonder, investigate and explain… how kids in the past are alike and different from me  History- happened.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Social Studies Standards. I can wonder, investigate and explain… how kids in the past are alike and different from me  History- happened."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Social Studies Standards

2 I can wonder, investigate and explain… how kids in the past are alike and different from me  History- happened in the past (yesterday)  Current- happening right now (today)  Future- going to happen (tomorrow)

3 I can wonder, investigate and explain… how I have grown and changed over time  Sequence- order that events take place (baby, toddler, kindergartner)  Timeline- a line showing important dates and milestones  Calendar- a chart showing the date (days, weeks, months and year)  Clock- a device showing time (hours, minutes and seconds)

4 I can wonder, investigate and explain… food, shelter, clothing and celebrations around the world

5 I can wonder, investigate and explain… what to do if I want something that is not mine or if there is not enough of something  Ownership- something belongs to you (teddy bear)  Want- wish you could have something (ice cream)  Need- you need this to live (water)  Share- give something or a part of it to a friend (blocks to build)

6 I can wonder, investigate and explain… why we have rules at school, home and in the community Respect Outstanding Community Kindness Safety

7 I can wonder, investigate and explain… why we make some decisions by voting and others someone tells me  Democratic decision- we vote (Which book do we want to read?)  Authoritative decision- I decide (We will now clean up)

8 I can wonder, investigate and explain… what makes me a good citizen

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