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Group 1 – Plants of the Habitat What plants live in the ________________ environment? Each of you name 1 or 2 plants and draw pictures of the plants 1._.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 1 – Plants of the Habitat What plants live in the ________________ environment? Each of you name 1 or 2 plants and draw pictures of the plants 1._."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 1 – Plants of the Habitat What plants live in the ________________ environment? Each of you name 1 or 2 plants and draw pictures of the plants 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6.__ Each of you tell how your plant(s) adapt (survive) in this environment?

2 Group 2 – Animals of the Habitat What other animals live in this habitat with the _____________________? Each of you name 1-2 of the animals and draw pictures of them 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- 5.- 6.- Each of you tell how these animals adapt (survive) in this environment?

3 Group 3 – What Our _____ Uses 2 of you find out what foods our ____________ eats? 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- 1 of you find out what our ___________ uses for shelter in this environment? 1 of you find out why our _____________ eat these foods and uses this kind of shelter?

4 Group 4 – Lifecycle What is the lifecycle of our _____________? Each of you research one of these items. – What kind of babies does it have and when does it have babies? – How old are the babies when the mother or father leaves them alone? – How big does our ________________ get as an adult? – How long do our ________________ live?

5 Group 5 - Competition 1 of you find out if other creatures use our _____________ as food? 1 of you find out what are some dangers to our _____________ in its habitat. 1 of you find out if there are other animals in the habitat that eat the same food as our __________. You need to know what food our ___________ eats. 1 of you find out how our ________ and the animals who eat the same things is our _________ share the food in their habitat.

6 Group 6 – Human Impact 1 of you find out how do humans impact our _____________? 1 of you find out if the air, water, land of our ___________ affected by humans or our cities? 1 of you find out if our animal endangered? If yes, why? 1 of you find out if humans help our ____________. If yes, how?

7 Group 7 – Extinct Animals Extinct species are animals that no longer are alive today. Are there any extinct animals that used to live in the same habitat as our ____________? – 2 of you name 2 extinct animals that used to live here and draw pictures – 2 of you tell why those animals are now extinct.

8 Group 8 – What Would Happen? Each of you take one of the events below and explain what would happen to our ____________ if the event below happened. – A new predator comes to our _________ habitat (something that would eat our animal like a ____________) – Humans build a city right where our ___________ build their shelter for their babies – The water where our ___________ live becomes polluted with poisons – The food our ___________ eats is no longer available to our ______________.

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