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An Introduction of Literature Ms. Khawla Al-Harbi.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction of Literature Ms. Khawla Al-Harbi."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction of Literature Ms. Khawla Al-Harbi

2 The course outline Introduction to literature; the definition. The elements of poetry The elements of drama The elements of prose.

3 Marks Week DueAssessment task 2025/6 Week 12 Mid term 10 Participation 201 st ; 26/5( week 8 th ) 2 nd ; 9/7 (week 14) Quizzes 10Assignments 40Final Exam

4 The definition of literature; Literature is a kind of fine art. It is writing in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays.

5 Forms of literature Poetry prose short stories novel drama

6 The elements of poetry Poetry is the image of man and nature.( wordsworth) Poetry is the expression of imagination.(P.B.Shelly) Poetry is the criticism of life. (Mathew Arnold )

7 Types of poetry; 1.Lyric2.narrative3.sonnet 6.Free verse 5.Blank verse 4.ode7.epic 8.Dramatic monologue 9.Elegy10.Ballad

8 Lyric; a short poem of self- expression and deep feelings. Narrative; non-dramatic, objective verse with regular rhyme scheme and meter which relates a story or narrative. Sonnet; a short poem of 14- line verse from, the first 8 lines are called octave. The second 6 lines are called sested. Ode; long poem addressed to a person or thing Blank verse; unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter.

9 Free verse; unrhymed lines without regular rhythm. Epic; a long, dignified narrative poem which gives the account of hero important to his nation or race. Dramatic monologue; a poem in which only one person speaks but not the poet. Elegy; a poem of lament meditating on death of individual. Ballad; it is a short poem in verse which telling a story.

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