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US and Imperialism War, Land, and Foreign Policy at the turn of the Century.

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Presentation on theme: "US and Imperialism War, Land, and Foreign Policy at the turn of the Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 US and Imperialism War, Land, and Foreign Policy at the turn of the Century

2 American Expansionism

3 Why Expand? Manifest Destiny – interrupted by Civil War Expansionism – better communication, transportation Imperialism – demand for foreign markets Spread democracy/Christianity “take up the white mans burden” Debate -? American ideals, competition for labor, compulsory military, racism Age of Naval Expansion

4 The Seas?

5 Purchasing Alaska

6 “Seward’s Folly” Purchased for 7.2 mil – 2 cents an acre, 1867 from Russia Paid Eskimos too 1959 - statehood Check used to Purchase Alaska

7 Pineapples Anyone?

8 Hawaii Annexation to avoid taxes on sugar grown by American planters Demand for Pearl Harbor Q. Lil – Hawaii for Hawaiians-overthrown Dole – Republic of Hawaii McKinley annexes 1898 without a vote of people Statehood 1959 Sanford Dole

9 18.1 Review 1.What 3 factors spurred American imperialism? 2.How did Queen Lil’s goals conflict with the goals of American Imperialists? 3.What do you know about the condition of the US navy before and after TR? 4.Create a Pictoword: imperialism, isolationism, & expansionism.

10 The Cuban Revolution

11 Revolution in Cuba Cuban struggle for independence from Spain Jose Marti gathers men, money, arms to fight in NYC Seek US help/attention burn US sugar fields/destroy mills “Butcher” Weyler forces Cubans into reconcentration camps


13 How to Get a War?

14 “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” Yellow Journalism – Hearst and Pulitzer fabricate stories in Cuba to gain public demand for war The Maine Incident McKinley sends the Maine - protect American interests Explosion killing 260, Spain is blamed, later – internal fire McKinley lists demands for Spain/ most accepted

15 “Remember The Maine!” The Maine Incident McKinley sends the Maine - protect American interests Explosion killing 260, Spain is blamed, later – internal fire McKinley lists demands for Spain/ most accepted Yellow Journalism – Hearst and Pulitzer fabricate stories in Cuba to gain public demand for war TR mobilizes the navy, McKinley withdraws all but Philippines Congress - declaration of war

16 Ruins of the Maine

17 Yellow Journalism

18 The Philippines?

19 TR Mobilizes!

20 “ A Splendid Little War” Dewey destroys Spanish pacific fleet - Manila TR-Rough Riders at San Juan Hill Spanish fleet defeated as escaping at Santiago Bay

21 The Result

22 The “Spoils” of War African Americans fight bravely, little recognition “a splendid little war” 400 died in battle, thousands from food, malaria NEW TERRITORY - Cuba- independent/protectorate, territories – Philippines, Guam=unincorporated, Puerto Rico=incorporated

23 17.2 Review 1.Why was American opinion about Cuban independence divided? 2.Describe in your own words what was included in the Treaty of Paris of 1898. 3. Opperman Project – Imperialism Through Political Cartoons

24 Platt Amendment 1.Cuba could not make treaties that may limit its independence 2.Cuba – no debt 3.US intervention as necessary 4.US – land for naval bases 5.3 Year Military rule – build schools, infrastructure


26 The Philippines The US acquires for $20 million “unfit to rule themselves” independence war rages on for years, US puts down rebellion Huge loss of lives – military and civilian Use of resources and military bases for the US

27 Should the US Annex the Philippines? Analyze various views from Primary Source Documents.

28 Puerto Rico Foraker Act – end military rule in Puerto Rico and set up a civil government. No independence but given citizenship in 1917

29 China and the Open Door Policy

30 Letters to imperialist nations to share their trading rights with the US No nation would have monopoly of trade Boxer Rebellion Protection of American Rights 1.Growth depends on exports 2.Right to intervene to keep markets open 3.Closing trade threatened US survival

31 The US will “safeguard the world for the principle of equal and impartial trade with all parts of the Chinese Empire” 1. For what reason does the US justify it involvement in China?

32 Anti – Imperialist US does not have the right to interfere in the rule of other people without consent Contradicts American Principles How does imperialism relate to the Monroe Doctrine?

33 US Foreign Policy

34 Presidential Policies 1.Roosevelt Corollary – wrong actions may result in US intervention to protect US interests – Justifies US involvement in other countries - “speak softly and carry a big stick” Big Stick Policy- 2.Taft “Dollar Diplomacy” Business and investment – economic control not bullets to advance US authority 3.Wilson “Moral Diplomacy” champion democracy and self determination, but still controlled through political and economic influence

35 Other Areas Panama – TR and the canal Soma – protectorate Dominican Republic – Control tariffs to pay debts Mexico – and interference

36 Loner – strict non- Involvement in in Affairs of other nations Collective Security- Working with other Countries to influence World affairs Internationalism – Inter- vening in other countries’ Affairs to promote impt. National interests and/or To safeguard national security Imperialism – Extending National power by acquiring Territory around the globe or Exploiting weaker nations to Serve national interests Foreign Policy Spectrum IsolationismTeam Player World Policeman World Bully

37 Activity 1.Read the background information on US foreign policy in your particular area. 2.Analyze the cartoon on attitudes towards US policy in this area. 3.Prepare to present a summary of the area and analyze the cartoon for the class. 4.Metaphor Statement for your area – US foreign policy in this area “From the perspective of the US, US foreign policy in (your country) was like a _______. From the perspective of (your country), US foreign policy was like ___________.

38 What is US Foreign Policy? Look at each of the events of the US discussed in this chapter. Place each event on the spectrum where YOU believe the role of the US lies. Justify/explain briefly why you placed the event where you did. Use the cards to determine the US role according to the various events in history

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