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IMPERIALISM REVIEW. What is isolationism? Non U.S. involvement in world affairs.

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2 What is isolationism?

3 Non U.S. involvement in world affairs

4 What was the non settled area of the United States called?

5 Frontier

6 What is the policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories?

7 imperialism

8 Who goes to Japan with four warships in order to force them to open up ports to U.S. trade?

9 Matthew Perry

10 What are the three factors for U.S. imperialism?

11 Economic Interest Military Interest Belief in Cultural Superiority

12 Who wanted a U.S. empire dominating the Caribbean, Central America, and the Pacific?

13 William Seward

14 What was the Pan-American Union?

15 It promoted cooperation/trade with Latin American nations.

16 Which groups of people settled in Hawaii?

17 U.S. whalers U.S. missionaries U.S. Sugar growers

18 In 1899 the U.S. & Germany split up what island country without their permission?

19 Samoa

20 What country was the ultimate goal for U.S. trade in the Pacific?

21 China

22 What are areas where countries have special rights & powers in China?

23 Spheres of influence

24 What was it when all nations can trade freely in other nations’ spheres of influence?

25 Open Door Policy

26 What was it called when a group of Chinese traditionalist attacked foreign powers throughout China, causing many deaths?

27 Boxer Rebellion

28 What ended the Russo- Japanese War?

29 Treaty of Portsmouth

30 Who was A Cuban rebel who fought for independence?

31 Jose Marti

32 What is Yellow Journalism?

33 Sensational style of writing that is often exaggerated and bias

34 Who is accused of blowing up the U.S.S. Maine?

35 Spain

36 Where was the first battle of the Spanish American war fought?

37 Manila Bay, Philippines

38 Who defeats the Spanish fleet in the battle of Manila Bay?

39 Commodore Dewey

40 Who was a Filipino rebel fighting for independence?

41 Emilio Aguinaldo

42 What was the name of the first all volunteer cavalry unit who fought in the war?

43 Rough Riders

44 What was the name of Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy toward Latin America?

45 Moral Diplomacy

46 What officially ended the Spanish American War?

47 Treaty of Paris

48 What new territory did the U.S. acquire as a result of the war/ Treaty of Paris?

49 Guam Puerto Rico Philippines

50 What gave the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuban affairs when they deemed necessary?

51 Platt Amendment

52 What is a narrow strip of land that connects two larger bodies of land called?

53 Isthmus

54 Where did the U.S. build a canal connecting the Caribbean Sea & Pacific Ocean?

55 Panama

56 What stated the U.S. would become the policemen in Latin America and would intervene in other countries whenever it deemed necessary.

57 Roosevelt Corollary

58 What was Taft’s policy toward Latin America which centered on getting involved in other countries when U.S. business interests were threatened?

59 Dollar Diplomacy

60 What are some reason that John Hay believed that the Spanish American War was “A Splendid little War”?

61 It was short; only four months long The U.S. gained lots of new territories Few Americans died in battle It gave the U.S. an overseas empire Pushed Spain out of the Western Hemisphere

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