SanDisk Confidential 1 Justin Wheeler Flash and Virtualisation – The Perfect Fit? Senior Solutions Architect.

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Presentation on theme: "SanDisk Confidential 1 Justin Wheeler Flash and Virtualisation – The Perfect Fit? Senior Solutions Architect."— Presentation transcript:

1 SanDisk Confidential 1 Justin Wheeler Flash and Virtualisation – The Perfect Fit? Senior Solutions Architect

2 SanDisk Confidential 2

3 3 A Global Innovator  Pioneer of flash memory storage  Shipping Almost 2 Million Products Daily  A technology & product leader in all our key markets  All leading smartphone and tablet OEMs use SanDisk  Global Fortune 500 3

4 SanDisk Confidential 4 Malaysia  Industry-first integrated SSD manufacturing facility  From wafer to finished drive  Target first production mid-2015 China  Industry-leading assembly and test  3 million die assembled per day  Complex, multi-die package assembly Leading NAND Flash Product Manufacturing Capability Shipping Almost 2 Million Products Daily

5 SanDisk Confidential 5 “The Answer is Flash - What’s the Question?”  It can, and will, go EVERYWHERE  The more solid state technology the better  Disks are the LAST mechanical device in the data center “Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!” From the 1980 film, Flash Gordon Disk Drives, World Domination & Neanderthals

6 SanDisk Confidential 6 Software Is Defining The Next Gen Of Infrastructures: SDDC OR SOFTWARE DEFINED DATACENTERS IS HERE TODAY

7 SanDisk Confidential 7 The Flash-Transformed Data Center:  PCI-E, SSDs and software  More IOPS, lower cost  Dramatic online transaction processing and analytics gains  Lower space, power & cooling  Reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Total Cost of Acquisition (TCA)  Up to 57% Capex and Opex cost reductions 7 Source: SanDisk data, 57% based on quote for IBM x3650M4 Nov 2013

8 SanDisk Confidential 8 Fusion-io Confidential What is the best way of utilising flash?

9 SanDisk Confidential 9


11 SanDisk Confidential 11 Different solutions rely on different criteria LATENCY COST CAPACITY

12 SanDisk Confidential 12 Determine Dominant Criteria LATENCY COST CAPACITY High-frequency trading Webscale analytics High-performance databases In-memory databases Cloud Storage Backup Archival Video Surveillance Virtualization Software Defined Storage Data Warehousing Big Data Hadoop

13 SanDisk Confidential 13 Dominant Criteria Drives solution required LATENCY COST CAPACITY High-frequency trading Webscale analytics High-performance databases In-memory databases Cloud Storage Backup Archival Video Surveillance Virtualization Software Defined Storage Data Warehousing Big Data Hadoop $ / Performance $ / GB TCO

14 SanDisk Confidential 14 We Now Have a Full Product Portfolio LATENCY COST CAPACITY InfiniFlash

15 SanDisk Confidential 15 OK… How does flash fit for:

16 SanDisk Confidential 16 Why Virtual Desktops Makes Sense:  The concept of a desktop is changing  The nature of a worker is changing Business physical desktops estimated between 400 and 600 million Virtual Desktops: 2012: 10 million 2013: 50 million 2014: 70 million 2015: 100 million

17 SanDisk Confidential 17 The most fundamental question to consider:

18 SanDisk Confidential 18 ioVDI: Intelligent Desktop Performance SAN/NAS WRITE OFFLOAD 77% STORAGE/NETWORK RESOURCES 1/10 th CONSISTENT RESPONSE TIMES 50 ms ioMemory Software Shared Storage Storage-friendly VMware compliant Software-defined performance Application-optimized Consistent performance Proven, tested, reliable

19 SanDisk Confidential 19 ioVDI Design Target Fusion-io Confidential 1. Deliver persistent desktops at stateless costs Reduce server costs with 3-4x VM density Improve performance with up to 97% SAN offload and tightly bounded latency 2. Improve user experience for performance-sensitive users Financial Services, Federal, Healthcare Start small and scale in 200 desktop increments 3. Intelligently direct performance needs to server-side resources Leverage SAN/NAS data protection and VMware features Storage agnostic approach

20 SanDisk Confidential 20 A Desktop-Aware Solution Fusion-io Confidential SAN Write Vectoring Transparent File Sharing Insights Many writes not persistent Many reads common Persistent desktops a plus Target Customer Highest performance – Financial / Gov’t / Healthcare Large scale – Thousands of users Stateless or Persistent – Mixed environments Server With ioMemory VMDKs Reside Here

21 SanDisk Confidential 21 Boot Storm and Reboot Storm Fusion-io Confidential Poweron / Boot Storm Reboot Storm 9.6x Faster 12x Faster Average Time / VM (sec)

22 SanDisk Confidential 22 The Business Promise Of VDI Longer life of endpoint devices True user mobility Centralised administration Improved security Datacenter safety Speed of user/OS/patch deployment Hardware independency possibilities Higher availability Lower CAPEX & OPEX

23 SanDisk Confidential 23 VDI is all about the Cost Per desktop Solving the cost/performance issue …for the economics to work, there has to be high density of desktops per floor tile ….while maintaining a user experience that is equal or better as a “Personal” computer. Flash, in its many iterations, achieves ALL this!

24 SanDisk Confidential 24 Storage Functions Are Now In Software: Fusion-io Confidential Snapshots Replication N+1 Redundancy Readable clones Tiering Caching Shared connections OK... What does flash to for software defined storage…?

25 SanDisk Confidential 25 VSAN: Host VSAN VSAN DATASTORE Hypervisor embedded Object based storage system Flash based R/W cache tier Scalable architecture, 3 hosts minimum, No Hardware RAID Single VSAN Datastore per cluster

26 SanDisk Confidential 26 VSAN Flash layer Cache SATA / SAS / PCIe Flash Disks Cache SATA / SAS / PCIe Flash Disks VMware ESXi 30% Write Buffer for all writes Synchronous Write caching over multiple hosts 70% Read Cache for most popular blocks of HDD tier Recommended 10-20% of HDD tier

27 SanDisk Confidential 27 VSAN Simplicity and Savings Fusion-io Confidential Server Devices for 1.6TB Capacity Power and Cooling RAID Controller Management Tools ioScale Extends Flash Benefits Beyond SSDs for VSAN

28 SanDisk Confidential 28 We’re not just talking VMware: Creation of virtual disks comprised of two tiers of storage  A flash tier for frequently accessed (“hot”) data  Traditional HDD tier for less-frequently accessed data. Transparently moves data between tiers based on how frequently data is accessed. Can dramatically increase performance for “hot” data by moving it to SSD storage No sacrificing the ability to store large quantities of data on inexpensive HDDs.

29 SanDisk Confidential 29 Remember though: ioMemory is still not a SSD!

30 SanDisk Confidential 30 Questions…? Fusion- 30

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