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Albert and us, the bridge we are building towards him, the bridge he is buiding towards us.

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Presentation on theme: "Albert and us, the bridge we are building towards him, the bridge he is buiding towards us."— Presentation transcript:

1 Albert and us, the bridge we are building towards him, the bridge he is buiding towards us

2 The first time we managed to build a BRIDGE, A CONTACT between us and Albert was when he smiled at us, gave his hand to us, pointed at us, gave a kiss, or played in the gym. These simple signs were very important contacts for us and meant the first bricks to build a link.

3 All of us have tried to make Alberto smile and when we managed to it was great.

4 However we forgot he was a person in need when we decorated the Christmas tree, we played hide and seek with him. This was very important for us because we shared the same experience and Alberto helped us to live our childhood again and bring out our past

5 In these occasions we felt we were sharing very special moments because he joined the activities we were doing and was involved. They were all playful activities and we all had the same fun


7 We have done some things so far but we could do more. For example we could organize a pizza, we could go to the cinema. They are all simple events that can be useful to build the bridge In April we went on a school trip together. Albert was quiet and felt so sure that he went close even to those classmates he was less in contact. He smiled a lot, he left Alfredo to get in touch with us. We noticed he got tired but we got tired as well!!!

8 We all shared the same tiredness and the same enthusiasm in this occasion.

9 When Alberto touches our hands or say hello or recognize us smiling at us we are very happy because we know that his smile is important. It’s his way to be in touch with us. His smile has got more value than other smiles because it’s a link between us and him and it’s more sincere and genuine!

10 We might spend more free time with him for example going out in order to help him to socialize with others. We could buy him a bracelet some toy cars, some soft toys or a photo album as he like taking photo. We would say” I’m always with you”, “ if you need any help I’ll be there ” “ I’ll love you”

11 Alberto improves our life experience because he make us think and consider people in need. He helps us to be more united among us and makes us think about strategies to help him. In this way he helps us to build bridges among us and towards him with us.

12 He has given to us the realization of how much we are lucky. He has given more to us than we to him. He has made us feel important.

13 Being different doesn’t mean to live imperfectly. You can live at full even if you are not perfect. Everybody of us has something different/ strange or some defects but we have to accept the others.

14 Alberto has taught us to have relationships with the others in other ways. We are learning other “languages” to communicate When we try to build the bridge with him we continually check our strategies because there is not a strategy but there thousands! We have to look for the right one to build and reinforce the bridge !!!!!!!

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