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2 Natural Disaster In Indonesia Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

3 Introduction part I What we need to think about disaster? Do we already have a good preparation if a natural disaster that confronts us? Do we already have enough knowledge to cope with natural disasters? Indonesia has long experienced many natural disasters. This is because Indonesia is located in disaster-prone areas. Besides the natural damage, that occurs in Indonesia aggravating natural conditions. Lots of natural disasters that occurred in Indonesia due to the destruction of nature. As an example are the landslides, earthquakes, floods, and forest fires. Through this WebQuest media will be discussed in depth about landslides, earthquakes, floods, and forest fires. Starting from the definition causes, and ways to overcome them (during and after the disaster). Will be discussed also ways to prevent the destruction of nature, so that we as human beings do not trigger natural disasters. Through this WebQuest, students will have knowledge about natural disasters as landslides, earthquakes, floods, and forest fires in Indonesia and other countries. Students are expected to describe the definition, causes and ways to overcome them. Moreover, students have the ability to prevent the destruction of nature. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

4 Introduction part II Wacth the link of the videos below Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

5 Your Task Divide the group of four people; the students will prepare a report on natural disasters like landslides, floods, earthquakes, and forest fires in Indonesia. Themes to be taken by each group will be discussed at the first meeting of this project. Each group may only make one type of natural disaster from the list provided, and are not allowed to have the same theme with another group. In accordance with the kind of natural disasters which have each group, you will design a poster that contains brief information about this natural disaster, the cause, how to prevent (during and after) the disaster and its prevention. The poster should include photos or illustrations that interpret the theme group, A3 size. Also, each group must prepare a report of deep reporting in written form. With comprehensive and accurate information concerning the definition of the selected type of natural disaster, the cause, how to prevent (during and after the disaster), and how to prevent environmental damage. At the end of the meeting, each group will present the poster, and the results compiled deep reporting. Results of deep reporting will be presented in the form of power point. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

6 Process I 1. Students will be divided into several groups consisting of 4 people 2. Each group will choose a theme that has been provided in the list. Each group was not allowed to choose the same theme with another group. The themes in the list are landslides, earthquakes, floods, and forest fires. Each group should provide examples of natural disasters that occurred in Indonesia. 3. By the theme was chosen, each group will develop deep reporting of complete information regarding its definition, causes, ways to prevent (during and after the disaster), and how to prevent environmental damage. 4. Based on the information that has been collected, each group will design a poster size A3, contain photographs or illustrations depicting the meaning of their themes. The poster will also contain brief information related to their theme, such as the cause, how to prevent (during and after the disaster), and how to prevent it. 5. Each group will do a presentation of the results of deep reporting and design their poster. Deep reporting results will be presented using power point program. 6. At the end of the meeting of this project, each group will collect the results of deep reporting in written form. The written report must be accompanied by photos that interpret their themes, also contains detailed information about the definition, causes, ways to prevent (during and after the disaster), and how to prevent environmental damage. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

7 Process II Students will use the link below to assist in development of the task Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

8 Evalution I 1. Formative Evaluation During ongoing group activities, teachers will conduct discussions with each group to ensure the learning process in accordance with the objectives set. Teachers will also monitor the manufacture of posters, written reports and power point presentations. 2. Summative Evaluation posters Assessment of group presentations Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

9 Evaluation II (Rubric) Limited 1 Basic 2 Good 3 Very good 4 Score Observation skill Students demonstrate their observation skills with less resources to answer all the questions. Students demontrate a good understanding of appropriate resources although, the students demonstrate less skill observation and anlysis Students demontrate a good understanding of appropriate resources although, the students demonstrate enough skill in observation and anlysis Students demontrate a good understanding of appropriate resources although, the students demonstrate great skill in observation and anlysis 50% Poster Persentation Poster is disorganized and poorly presented Poster is somewhat organized but lacking in creativity poster is well organized and shows some creativity Poster is very well-presented and shows their innovation and creativity 50% TOTAL 100% Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

10 Conclusion After completing this WebQuest, students are expected to knowledge about the natural disasters that generally occur in Indonesia. In addition, through this WebQuest, students can also practice communication skills in general such as express opinions, ask questions, make a point, make a decision. All this is done in groups reflecting ourselves as social beings. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note

11 1.This material is designed for students to be able to recognise the disasters that happen in Indonesia. 2.It also aims to help teachers which is simplify the idea of the disaster to the students. By clicking many links that is provided, They are able to explore videos, activities, and news related to the topic in order to improve the students' critical skills. Objectives: The group work will encourage students and increase interaction among students. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Note


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