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Señorita Mangual Cruz. ¿Qué es un verbo reflexivo? A reflexive verb is used to indicate that the subject does something to or for himself or herself.

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Presentation on theme: "Señorita Mangual Cruz. ¿Qué es un verbo reflexivo? A reflexive verb is used to indicate that the subject does something to or for himself or herself."— Presentation transcript:

1 Señorita Mangual Cruz

2 ¿Qué es un verbo reflexivo? A reflexive verb is used to indicate that the subject does something to or for himself or herself. In other words, it “reflects” the action of the verb back to the subject. Reflexive verbs always use reflexive pronouns. Example  Joaquin se ducha por la mañana. “Joaquin” is the subject and “se ducha” is the reflexive verbs.

3 Do you remember the reflexive pronouns? Reflexive pronouns show that the person doing the action is the person who the action is directed at. They are always linked to reflexive verbs.

4 Verbos Reflexivos Singular forms of the reflexive verbs We will be using the verb “lavarse” (to wash oneself) for the examples! YoMe lavoI WASH (MYSELF) TúTe lavasYOU WASH (YOURSELF) UstedSe lavaYOU WASH (YOURSELF) f. Él/ ellaSe lavaHE/SHE WASHES (HIMSELF/HERSELF)

5 Verbos Reflexivos Plural forms of the reflexive verbs We will be using the verb “lavarse” (to wash oneself) for the examples! Nosotros (as)Nos lavamosWE WASH (OURSELVES) Vosotros (as)Os laváisYOU WASH (YOURSELVES) UstedesSe lavanYOU WASH (YOURSELVES) Ellos/ellasSe lavanTHEY WASH (THEMSELVES)

6 Things that you need to know! The pronoun se is attached to an infinitive that identifies the verb as reflexive  Example : Lavarse  When a reflexive verb is conjugated, the reflexive pronoun agrees with the subject! Example: Me afeito Me is the reflexive pronoun and afeito is the reflexive verb.

7 Verbos Reflexivos Comunes Acordarse (de) (o:ue) : to remember Acostarse (o:ue): to go to bed Afeitarse: To shave Bañarse: to bathe/to take a bath Cepillarse: to brush Despedirse (de) (e:i): to say goodbye (to) Despertarse (e:ie): to wake up Dormirse (o:ue): to go to sleep / to fall asleep Ducharse: to shower Enojarse (con): to get angry (with) Irse: to go away / to leave Lavarse: to wash (oneself) Levantarse: to get up Llamarse: to be called/to be named

8 Verbos Reflexivos Comunes Maquillarse: to put on makeup Peinarse: to comb one’s hair Ponerse: to put on Ponerse (+ adj.): to become (+ adj.) Preocuparse (por): to worry (about) Probarse (o:ue): to try on Quedarse: to stay/ to remain Quitarse: to take off Secarse: to dry (oneself) Sentarse (e:ie): to sit down Sentirse (e:ie): to feel Vestirse (e:i): to get dressed

9 Compare and Contrast Unlike English, a number of verbs in Spanish can be reflexive and non- reflexive. If the verb acts upon the subject, the reflexive form is used. If the verb acts upon something other than the subject, the non-reflexive form is used. Lola lava los platos.Lola se lava la cara. As the preceding sentence show, reflexive verbs sometimes have different meanings than their non-reflexive counterparts. For example, lavar means to wash, while lavarse means to wash oneself, to wash up.

10 Ejemplos!

11 despertarse(e-ie)=to wake one’s self up 1.) Ken se despierta a las 5:15.

12 levantarse=to raise one’s self 2.) Maria y Luis se levantan de la cama.

13 lavarse_____= to wash one’s own X 3.) Vosotros os laváis la cara.

14 lavarse los dientes=to wash one’s own teeth 4.) Nosotros nos lavamos los dientes.

15 afeitarse=to shave one’s own X 5.) Javier se afeita (la cara).

16 cepillarse=to brush one’s own X 6.) Ella se cepilla el pelo.

17 ducharse=to shower one’ self 7.) Ellas no se duchan.

18 vestirse(e-i)=to dress one’s self 8.) Yo me visto.

19 ponerse____=to put X on one’s self 9.) Héctor se pone sus lentes.

20 acostarse(o-ue)=to put one’s self to bed 10.) Usted se acuesta a las 11:00.

21 Tú turno… / Your turn… You will be using the verb (despertarse) to complete the following sentences: 1. Mis hermanos ____________________ tarde. 2. Tú _________________ tarde. 3. Nosotros ___________________ tarde. 4. Benito _________________ tarde. 5. Yo _______________ tarde. You will be using the verb (ponerse) to complete the following sentences: 1. Él ___________________ una chaqueta. 2. Yo _________________ una chaqueta. 3. Usted _____________________ una chaqueta. 4. Nosotras __________________ una chaqueta. 5. Las niñas ___________________ una chaqueta.

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