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Presentation on theme: "CONSTRUCT ENGLISH 0- & 1- SENTENCE REVIEW. What is a Noun?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Noun?

3 Parts of Speech - Nouns Noun – person, place, thing, or idea – Examples: A vase The bus My notebook Washington, D.C. Aunt Betty Freedom Electricity

4 What is a Verb?

5 Parts of Speech Verbs – the action in the sentence – Examples: To sleep To eat To like To go To breathe To swim To run To be

6 What is Construct English? Construct English gives you tools for building strong sentences and paragraphs. It consists of nine different types of sentences. By using different types of sentences, you add variety and make your writing more interesting to read.

7 What is a Sentence?

8 A sentence is: A set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.

9 What is a Sentence? A sentence breaks into two parts: the subject and the predicate. Subject = a noun, pronoun, group of words acting as a noun and possibly modifiers. Predicate = the verb & other words modifying or associated with the verb.

10 John hit the ball. John | hit the ball. SubjectPredicate

11 Sentence Phrases Clauses Words (8 Parts of Speech) Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs Make up the basis of every sentence Adjectives, Adverbs Add description and detail to a sentence Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections Glue words – relaters, joiners, attention getters

12 0-Sentence A 0-Sentence is a complete sentence without any commas. – What is a “complete sentence”? A complete sentence MUST have a NOUN and a VERB. – Examples: My dog My dog ran. Phillip Phillip ate. Mary Mary slept.

13 0-Sentence Those sentences were BORING!!! Please don’t make me read such simple sentences as those. As you move through high school, your writing should become more and more sophisticated. This will occur through a use of higher level vocabulary and more complex sentences.

14 Parts of Speech One way to improve the complexity of your writing is to create different forms of sentences. Let’s add some adjectives & adverbs Adjectives – Describe a noun or pronoun – Examples The white cat Mary’s blue dress Touch screen

15 Parts of Speech Adverbs – Describe verbs – Note that the word ‘verb’ is in the word ‘adverb’ – Examples: John ran quickly. The boys ate noisily. The children sat quietly. I am well.

16 0-Sentence Improved Now, let’s add some adjectives and adverbs to our original 0-Sentences: – My fat dog ran slowly. – Sloppy Phillip ate noisily. – Lazy Mary slept late. Aren’t those MUCH more descriptive and interesting?

17 1-Sentence A 1-Sentence is an appositive, where you rename or further describe the noun or pronoun to which it refers. Examples: – Sherryl, my best friend, lives in Rhode Island. – We frequently go to Hampton Beach, my favorite beach in New Hampshire. – Please put your plastic bottles in the recycle bucket, the cardboard one.

18 Parts of Speech It’s important that you know your parts of speech in general, but particularly to be able to understand the types of sentences in the Construct English program. For instance, within the Appositive portion of a sentence, there are no preposition or verb phrases allowed…what’s a preposition? What’s a phrase?

19 Prepositions Prepositions are words of place, like: – Above – Beyond – Over – Under – Here – There – Between

20 Phrases Phrases are sections of a sentence that cannot stand alone. – Examples: Under the bridge To the store My sister – Why can’t these stand alone? Because they’re not complete sentences – they don’t have both a noun and a verb!!

21 Phrases There are many types of phrases, each is named for the part of speech that starts the phrase. Examples: – Noun phrase – my sister the rabbi – Verb phrase – skating in the park – Adjective phrase – red mailbox down the street – Adverbial phrase – slowly down the hallway – Prepositional phrase – over the rainbow ***The only one of these that is allowed in an Appositive section of a sentence is the NOUN!!

22 Putting it Together Your understanding of the parts of speech and how they operate within a sentence is going to make you a better writer and speaker; overall, it’s going to make you a more effective communicator There are many more parts of speech, which we will meet and appreciate as we move through our Construct English curriculum

23 Subject-Verb Pairs With 1588 the crisis of the reign was past. England had emerged from the Armada year as a first-class power. She had resisted the weight of the mightiest empire that had been seen since Roman times. Her people awoke to a consciousness of their greatness, and the last years of Elizabeth’s reign saw a welling up of national energy and enthusiasm focusing upon the person of the Queen. In the year following the Armada the first three books were published of Spenser’s Faerie Queen, in which Elizabeth is hymned as a Gloriana. Poets and courtiers alike paid their homage to the sovereign who symbolized the great achievement. Elizabeth had schooled a generation of Englishmen.

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