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High probability area for the AP Exam. In the past 10 years, 5 FRQs have come from this chapter.

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1 High probability area for the AP Exam. In the past 10 years, 5 FRQs have come from this chapter.

2  Began in Italy and spread North (1450)  England (1600-1700)  Period stood in distinct contrast to the Middle Ages  Culture applied almost exclusively to upper class

3  Northern Italian City- States  Genoa, Venice, Milan  Oligarchies: rule of merchant aristocracies  Italy becomes more urban  No political unification  Private armies hired by cities for protection

4  Republic of Florence- The Medici Family  Cosimo de’Medici  Lorenzo de’Medici  Duchy of Milan-The Sforza Family  Rome- The Papal States (political and religious leaders)  Venice, Venetian Republic  Naples, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

5  French Invasion  Medici overthrow  Girolamo Savonarola  Battleground for struggles between Spain and France  1527- Holy Roman Empire invades Rome and symbolizes the end of the Renaissance in Italy

6  “the end justifies the means”  “It was better to be feared than loved”  Rulers had to be practical, cunning, aggressive and ruthless  Influenced European rulers for centuries

7  Revival of Greek and roman philosophy, literature and art  Individualism  Virtu: “the quality of being a man”  Latin/Greek languages  secular  Liberal arts education programs  Civic Humanism: education should prepare leaders to be active in civic affairs

8  Petrarch: “father of humanism”  “Dark Ages”/ Italian Vernacular  Boccaccio: Greek and Roman mythology  Leonardo Bruni: modern historian  Lorenzo Valla: expert of Latin  Marsillion Ficino: translated Plato’s works  Pico della Mirandola: Oration on the Dignity of Man  Machiavelli  Baldassare Castiglione: The Courtier  Renaissance Social Etiquette  Qualities of being a true gentleman  Rejected crude contemporary habits  “Renaissance Man”

9  Johann Gutenberg  One of the most important inventions in human history  Movable type  Spread of ideas and literature  Facilitated the Reformation

10  Florence= artistic center (quattrocento)  Rome=artistic center in 1500s  Patronage- wealthy merchant families/church  Pope Alexander VI: most notorious of the Renaissance  Spent $$$$$$  Sistine Chapel, The School of Athens, Tempietto

11  Painting  Perspective: 3-D  Chiaroscuro: use of dark and light and colors to create depth  Individualism  Emotion on faces  Sfumato: softening/blurring of harsh outlines  Tempera paint  Sculpture  Free standing  Greek and Roman influence  Glorified the human body/individual  Architecture  Greek and Roman influence  Simplicity, symmetry and balance

12  Giotto  Brunelleschi  Lorenzo Ghiberti  Donatello  Masaccio  Botticelli  Bramante  Leonardo da Vinci  Raphael  Michelangelo  Titian

13  Reaction against Renaissance ideals (symmetry, simplicity, realistic use of color)  Works included unnatural colors and exaggerated shapes  El Greco

14  Christian Humanism- improve society and reform the church  Less emphasis on ancient Greece and Rome  Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible  Led to criticism of the church thus leading to the Reformation

15  Erasmus-first humanist to earn a living through writing  Thomas More-civic humanist, Lord Chancellor to King Henry VIII  Utopia  Jacques Lefevre d’ Etables-France  Francesco Ximenes de Cisneros- Spain  Francois Rabelais- confidence in Human nature  Michel de Montaigne- essay/Skepticism  William Shakespeare-playwright  Miguel de Cervantes- Don Quixote

16  Flemish Style  More detail than Italian Renaissance  Oil painting  More emotion-preoccupation with death  Jan Van Eyck-oil painting  Bosch-symbolism and fantasy  Peter Brueghal the Elder- lives of ordinary people  Albrecht Durer-  Hans Holberin the Younger  Fugger Family-patrons of the arts

17  Wealthy women  Increase access to education  “ornaments”  Sexual double standard  Christine de Pisan-first feminist  Isabelle d’Este- “First Lady of Renaissance”  Armtmesia Gentileschi – first female artist to gain recognition (Baroque)  Peasant and Lower class women  Not much status change  Nuclear Family-unable to support extended families  Marriage=Economic considerations/not love (dowries)  women under 20, men late 20s  Infanticide  Dramatic population growth until 1650  Rape not considered a serious offense  Prostitution

18  Caterina Sforza in Milan  Isabella I-Spain  Mary Tudor-England  Elizabeth I-England  Catherine de Medicis- France

19  1. Compare and Contrast the Renaissance and the Later Middle Ages.  2. To what extent is the Renaissance truly a departure from the past.  3. To what extent did Renaissance humanism affect the view of the individual?  4. Analyze the influence of humanism on Renaissance art. Select at least three artists and analyze at least one work for each artist.  5. Analyze the impact of patronage on Renaissance art.  6. To what extent were women impacted by the Renaissance?

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