SciencePlanner3/17/16 Target:Describe the structure of a leaf. Identify the parts of a flower and their functions. WU:Observations of Lima Beans. Data????

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1 SciencePlanner3/17/16 Target:Describe the structure of a leaf. Identify the parts of a flower and their functions. WU:Observations of Lima Beans. Data???? Observations???? CW:Vocabulary Notes Read

2 Vocabulary Sepals – modified leaves that protect the flower bud. Petal – usually bright colored, leaf-shaped parts of a flower. Stamen – the male reproductive structure of a plant. a. anthers – produce pollen b. filament – holds the anther Pistil – the female reproductive part of a flower. a. stigma – sticky tip of the pistil. b. style – holds up the stigma. Ovary – the lower part of a pistil that produces eggs. (Seeds)


4 1. 3. 2. 4.

5 6. 7. 5.

6 SciencePlanner3/17/16 Target:Describe the structure of a leaf. Identify the parts of a flower and their functions. WU:Observations of Lima Beans. Data???? Observations???? CW:Vocabulary Notes Read pages 317 – 320

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