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If it’s not “Baroque” don’t fix it! The word “baroque” comes from an Italian word that means “bizarre”. But elaborate and exuberant are probably better.

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Presentation on theme: "If it’s not “Baroque” don’t fix it! The word “baroque” comes from an Italian word that means “bizarre”. But elaborate and exuberant are probably better."— Presentation transcript:

1 If it’s not “Baroque” don’t fix it! The word “baroque” comes from an Italian word that means “bizarre”. But elaborate and exuberant are probably better descriptive words! Baroque music is like listening to 5 people talking at once! It is like a complicated jigsaw puzzle that fits together perfectly. It is organized and has lots of notes! Think “fancy schmancy!”

2 The Baroque Era---1600-1750 Other events:  Jamestown & Plymouth colonies established  Salem witch trials  African slave trade begins  Harvard University is founded.

3 Baroque Vocabulary  Harpsichord  Organ  Concerto  Movement  Toccata and Fugue  Oratorio  Program music  Tutti  Opera  virtuoso

4 “THE BAROQUE BOYS” 3 major composers of the Baroque era J. S. Bach (Germany) 1685-1750 George Fredrich Handel (Germany) 1685-1759 Antonio Vivaldi (Italy) 1678-1741

5 J.S. Bach Facts:  German  Played violin, harpsichord & organ  Had 20 kids!  Composer for the church  Not appreciated during his lifetime. Considered “old-fashioned”  Known especially for his organ works!  Brandenburg Concertos  Organ pieces  Did NOT write operas!  “Soli deo Gloria”---To the glory of God alone.

6 Antonio Vivaldi 1678-1741 Italian composer Known as the “Red Priest” (had red hair/was Catholic priest) Stayed in trouble w/the church because of his operas Wrote lots of concertos (for violin & lots of other instruments esp. odd ones like the oboe or recorder) “Four Seasons” and “Gloria” 2 very famous works Bach liked Vivaldi’s music! Composed for a girls’ orphanage Known for his operas while he was alive

7 The Four Seasons By Antonio Vivaldi

8 “THE FOUR SEASONS”:  program music—Music that suggests a mood/scene or tells a story.(Ex.”The Four Seasons”)  Vivaldi wrote poems to go with each of the “Four Seasons” concertos.  Each concerto has 3 movements

9 1 Joyful Spring has arrived, The birds welcome it with their happy songs, And the brooks in the gentle breezes Flow with a sweet murmur. The sky is covered with a black mantle, Thunder and lightning announce a storm. When they are silent, the birds Take up again their harmonious songs. 2 And in the flower-rich meadow, To the gentle murmur of leaves and plants The goatherd sleeps, his faithful dog at his side 3 To the merry sounds of a rustic bagpipe Nymphs and shepherds dance in their beloved spot When Spring appears in its brilliance SPRINGSPRING

10 VIVALDI’S “THE FOUR SEASONS” TODAY Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons is so popular today that it is used in TV advertisements, as background music,in restaurants and in films (Pretty Woman,and Spy Game to name a couple). Yet as recently as fifty years ago, hardly anyone knew this music. It started to become popular when it was played on a CBS radio broadcast in the summer of 1950. Today, you can choose from over one hundred recordings of The Four Seasons, including arrangements for flute, harp, soprano, guitar trio, or brass quintet, jazz quartet, strings, and even for traditional Chinese instruments!

11 “Winter” 1.Frozen and shivering in the icy snow. In the strong blasts of a terrible wind To run stamping one’s feet at every step With one’s teeth chattering through the cold. 2 To spend the quiet and happy days by the fire Whilst outside the rain soaks everyone. To walk on the ice with slow steps And go carefully for fear of falling. 3 To go in haste, slide and fall down: To go again on the ice and run, Until the ice cracks and open. To hear leaving their Iron-gated house Sirocco, Boreas and all the winds in battle: This is winter, but it brings joy.

12 WHAT DO YOU KNOW? Vivaldi’s nickname _________ _______ Vivaldi wrote lots of concertos for this instrument___________ “The Four Seasons” is a set of 4 ___________ A concerto is a musical piece for _____ + ___________ Vivaldi also wrote lots of _________ which kept him in trouble with the Catholic church! Vivaldi was from what country?

13 Gloria is another piece that Vivaldi wrote It is for a chorus, soloists and orchestra This “Gloria” has 12 movements ! Listening: Movement #1 “Gloria” Listen for these words: “Gloria! Gloria in excelsis deo!”

14 German composer Became a British citizen in 1726 Known for his OPERAS and ORATORIOS Most famous works: MESSIAH (oratorio) and WATER MUSIC Also wrote vocal music in 3 languages: German, Italian, English Died 8 days after a performance of MESSIAH in 1759 in London. George Frideric Handel 1685-1759

15 Oratorio—a sacred musical form that tells a story with singing and music. Soloists, chorus, orchestra are used. Like an opera but without costumes and scenery! Handel was the master of the oratorio. Opera—A story told through music and singing. Soloists, chorus, orchestra, costumes and scenery are used. Mostly a secular musical form! Get a “Handel” on vocabulary!

16 DID YOU KNOW????............. Handel composed Messiah in less than 3 weeks! Think about it! WOW! To sing the entire oratorio would take about 3-4 hours! It is tradition to stand when the Hallelujah Chorus is sung!

17 What else was happening during Handel’s lifetime???  George Washington is born  Ben Franklin invents the lightning rod  French and Indian War breaks out  We have 13 colonies! Woo hoo!



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