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Jeopardy: Chapter 7 Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY!

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2 Jeopardy: Chapter 7

3 Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY!

4 JEOPARDY! 100 200 300 400 500 PresidentsInventions The South Vocab.Misc. Who am I?

5 Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect!  DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear.  In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”).  Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double  Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Daily Double!!!

6 Presidents-100 - This future president defeated Kinache  Andrew Jackson

7 Presidents-200  I executed the Indian Removal Act  Martin Van Buren

8 Presidents-300  I served the shortest Presidential term in American history  Wm. Henry Harrison

9 Answer 1-400  I was referred to as “His Accidency”  John Tyler Daily Double!!!

10 Presidents-500  In the 1824 election I dropped out of the election when it went to the House and secured a position in the upcoming administration as Secretary of State  Henry Clay

11 Inventions-100  The name of the first steamboat invented by Robert Fulton  The Clermont

12 Inventions-200  Most responsible for the increase of slavery in the South  Cotton Gin

13 Inventions-300  My name was Tom Thumb  First Railroad Steam Engine

14 Inventions-400  This “system” made mass production of guns possible.  Interchangeable parts

15 Inventions-500  This made possible the making of cotton thread.  Water frame

16 The South-100  Southern Economy was tied to these types of crops  Cash Crops

17 The South-200  The three largest cities of the South  New Orleans, Charleston and Baltimore

18 The South-300  The deal struck that would limit slavery from expanding into the Louisiana Territory  The Missouri Compromise

19 The South-400  The Natives from this Southern state were nearly exterminated by Andrew Jackson  Florida

20 The South-500  Favorite Son William Crawford hailed from here  Georgia

21 Vocabulary-100  A tax on imported goods  Tariff

22 Vocabulary-200  The “deal” made that gave John Quincy Adams the election in 1824  Corrupt Bargain

23 Vocabulary-300  Making the government more accessible to the common man was called this  Spoils System

24 Answer 4-400  Andrew Jackson’s home state  Tennessee Daily Double!!!

25 Vocabulary-500  The national Bank, protective tariffs and National Internal improvements were all part of this “system”  The American System

26 Misc.-100  I ruled in favor of the Cherokee  John Marshall

27 Misc.-200  It connected east to west New York and was completed in 1825.  Erie Canal

28 Misc.-300  This type of slavery last from sun up to sun down  Gang System

29 Misc.-400  My loyalties were torn when it came to the Nullification Crisis  John C. Calhoun

30 Misc.-500  State that “balanced” Missouri  Maine

31 Who am I?-100  Leader of the Seminole that raided Georgia and South Carolina  Kinache

32 Who am I?-200  During my time in office was the Era of Good Feelings  James Monroe

33 Who am I?-300  I used mostly women and children in my factories because I could pay them less  Frances C. Lowell

34 Who am I?-400  I wrote what became known as the Monroe Doctrine  John Quincy Adams

35 Who am I?-500  I, as President, added Alabama to the Union in 1819  James Monroe

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