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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. Your Topic ElectionsThe American System and Nationalism A.J.- Andy Jackson Life After Jackson 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. Your Topic ElectionsThe American System and Nationalism A.J.- Andy Jackson Life After Jackson 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

2 Your Topic ElectionsThe American System and Nationalism A.J.- Andy Jackson Life After Jackson 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question

3 Elections: 200 This was the name given to the deal made in the election of 1824 between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams The “Corrupt Bargain”

4 Elections: 400 Question: Who did John Quincy Adams defeat in the election of 1824? Answer Andrew Jackson

5 Elections: 600 Question: Who defeated Martin Van Buren in the election of 1840? Answer William Henry Harrison (he died in 32 days!)

6 Elections: 800 Question: This was the campaign slogan of William Henry Harrison Answer “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!”

7 Elections: 1000 Question: In the election of 1828, who became Andrew Jackson’s vice president? Answer John C. Calhoun (the honeymoon wouldn’t last long)

8 Am. System: 200 Question: The American System was developed by him Answer Henry Clay

9 Am. System: 400 Question: This invention contributed to a sharp rise in the number of slaves in the South Answer The cotton gin

10 Am. System: 600 Question: This northern textile factory was famous for providing job opportunities for women Answer The Lowell Factory

11 Am System: 800 Question: This told Europeans to stay out of affairs in the Western Hemisphere Answer The Monroe Doctrine

12 Am System: 1000 Question: This tariff, made during the presidency of James Monroe, outraged many Southerners but pleased manufacturers Answer The Tariff of 1816

13 Jackson: 200 Question: Before becoming President, Jackson was a hero during this war. Answer The War of 1812

14 Jackson: 400 Question: This was the system in which Jackson appointed friends to high ranking positions Answer The Spoils System

15 Jackson: 600 Question: Jackson was responsible for the failure of what institution? Answer The National Bank (BUS)

16 Jackson: 800 Question: What piece of legislation caused the “nullification crisis?” Answer Tariff of Abominations

17 Jackson: 1000 Question: This party formed as opposition to Jacksonian Democrats Answer The Whig Party

18 Life After: 200 Question: Who won the presidency in 1836? Answer Martin Van Buren (“The Van Buren Boys”)

19 Life after Jackson: 400 Question: What was the major problematic event of Van Buren’s Presidency? Answer The Panic of 1837

20 Life After Jackson: 600 Question: He ran as Harrison’s running mate Answer John Tyler

21 Life After Jackson: 800 Question: Name three members of the Whig Party Answer Adams, Clay, Webster, Lincoln, Harrison

22 Life after Jackson: 1000 Question: After Jackson’s presidency, this man died in the battle of the Alamo in 1836 Answer Davy Crockett (sorry Devin)

23 Topic 5: 200 Question: The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as this. Answer The Bill of Rights

24 Topic 5: 400

25 Topic 5: 600

26 Topic 5: 800

27 Topic 5: 1000

28 Bonus Question: Question: Within 20 years, what year was Andrew Jackson officially put on the twenty dollar bill? Answer … 1928

29 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

30 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

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