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PLAN FOR TODAY Students absent Tuesday – grade classmates Computer Expectations (for now…) Test Tomorrow ATTACK Review Game.

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Presentation on theme: "PLAN FOR TODAY Students absent Tuesday – grade classmates Computer Expectations (for now…) Test Tomorrow ATTACK Review Game."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLAN FOR TODAY Students absent Tuesday – grade classmates Computer Expectations (for now…) Test Tomorrow ATTACK Review Game

2 Computer Expectations (for now…) There is a roster on the cart with your computer number (it’s alphabetical) You are to check your computer at the BEGINNING of each day/use for any damage and report it IMMEDIATELY (or else I’ll think you did the damage) At the end of EVERY period, you are to put your laptop away, in the right number spot and with the right number charge cord. You will LOSE points for not doing this correctly. You will need to bring cheap headphones EVERY day in case we use the computer (also recommend a flash drive)

3 Project/Models Take them home TODAY, they will be gone tomorrow. I might use them next year as a model, recycle parts, or throw them out.


5 RULES OF THE GAME Get into 7-8 groups of 3 or 4 Draw a castle on the board for your group (make sure there is plenty of room for all groups). You have one (1) Minute! A review question is posted. You have 30 seconds to discuss with your group what the answer might be. A group is called on at random. If your group gets it right, you get 2 “Xs”. You can put one (1) “X” on two different castles, remove 2 Xs, or add 1 and remove 1. If you are wrong, your group gets an automatic “X”. Once your castle has been attacked five (5) times, you must erase your castle. You can still attack castles if you are out. The last castle standing wins!

6 QUESTION ​ Resources that can be replaced in a short amount of time

7 Answer Renewable Resources

8 QUESTION Ability to increase biomass (of all living things) in an ecosystem

9 Answer Productivity

10 QUESTION The evolutionary process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.

11 Answer Natural Selection

12 QUESTION Variety of living organisms in an ecosystem

13 Answer Organization (biodiversity)

14 QUESTION A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants

15 Answer Global Warming

16 QUESTION Ability to respond to a disturbance by resisting damage and/or recovering quickly.

17 Answer Resilience

18 QUESTION Human intervention in animal or plant reproduction or survival to allow only individuals with desirable traits to reproduce

19 Answer Artificial Selection

20 QUESTION What major climate changes have occurred in the state of Kentucky? How do we know?

21 Answer Tropical Climate(warmer/wetter climate)-Giant Ground Sloths Cooler Climate(colder climate/lower sea levels)- Mastodons

22 QUESTION The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period of time.

23 Answer Climate

24 QUESTION Making of new organic material from inorganic molecules such as H 2 O and CO 2. Photosynthesis is the dominate form of productivity. Some examples include plants, marine algae and some bacteria.

25 Answer Primary Producer

26 QUESTION Collected from ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. ​ Can date as far back as 750,000 years ago. ​

27 Answer Ice Cores

28 QUESTION Making of biomass for consumer organisms in an ecosystem. Organisms responsible for secondary production include animals, protists, fungi and many bacteria. ​

29 Answer Secondary Producers

30 QUESTION How Can Scientists Use Ice Cores To Determine Past Climate Conditions?

31 Answer They use isotopic ratios of water in cores to determine temperature and precipitation. ​ Dust particles can determine atmospheric circulations, volcanic eruptions, and wind speed. ​ Volcanic eruptions help scientists age ice cores accurately. ​ Atmospheric composition is determined by air bubbles compressed in the ice. ​

32 QUESTION Species that has a great influence on the ecosystem and without that species, the ecosystem could collapse or struggle to continue. ​ ​

33 Answer Keystone Species

34 QUESTION Grass, trees, weeds and examples of _______producers

35 Answer Primary

36 QUESTION How do scientists know what the climate was like thousands of year ago? ​

37 Answer Tree Rings Ice Cores Sediments

38 QUESTION Animals, fungi, bacteria are examples of ___________

39 Answer Consumers

40 QUESTION Why do gardeners use greenhouses? How do greenhouses work?

41 Answer Solar radiation is trapped inside the glass or plastic material. ​ Gases such as water, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide absorb and emit the radiation. ​

42 QUESTION If there is a ________variety of species, then the ecosystem will not collapse when one specie goes ________.

43 Answer Large Extinct

44 QUESTION The condition of the atmosphere at a particular place over a short period of time.

45 Answer Weather

46 QUESTION All ecosystems strive for a ________ or equilibrium or homeostasis.

47 Answer Balance

48 QUESTION Resources that cannot be replaced in a short amount of time.

49 Answer Nonrenewable Resource

50 QUESTION A large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat

51 Answer Biome

52 QUESTION A substance that environmentally damages something, especially water or the atmosphere.

53 Answer Pollutant

54 QUESTION A factor created by a living component within an environment in which the action of the organism affects the life of another organism.

55 Answer Biotic Factors

56 QUESTION Resources that can be replaced as fast as they are used.

57 Answer Inexhaustible Resources

58 QUESTION A non-living chemical or physical factor in the environment ​.

59 Answer Abiotic Factors

60 QUESTION The regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth occupied by living organisms.

61 Answer Biosphere

62 QUESTION The process of converting or reusing given materials beyond their intended use to reduce waste.

63 Answer Recycling

64 QUESTION A material source of wealth that occurs in a natural state and has economic value.

65 Answer Natural Resource

66 QUESTION Name two (2) components of weather.

67 Answer Temperature ​ Humidity ​ Precipitation ​ Brightness ​ Visibility ​ Wind ​ Atmospheric pressure

68 QUESTION One (1) reason why it is important to study climate.

69 Answer Keeping a record of the weather. ​

70 QUESTION One (1) reason why it is important to study climate.

71 Answer Deviations from the average could be an indication of climate change in an area.

72 QUESTION What contributes to the climate of an area?

73 Answer Proximity to oceans and lakes: ​ Bodies of water absorb heat when it is hot and release heat when it is cold, contributing to the climate of an area. ​ Heat exchanges between the ocean and atmosphere cause wind. ​ Winds drive ocean currents. ​ Oceans absorb CO2, slowing global warming. ​ Evaporation: Hot water from the tropics evaporates and is carried by trade winds to the north and south. ​ Storms often develop over warm oceans before hitting land.

74 QUESTION Name one (1) External Force of Climate Change ​.

75 Answer Stretching of orbit

76 QUESTION Name one (1) External Force of Climate Change ​.

77 Answer Tilt of Axis

78 QUESTION Name one (1) External Force of Climate Change ​.

79 Answer Wobble of Axis

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