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WORLD HISTORY REVIEW Review Africa Imperialism Map You may use 1 sheet of notebook paper on the test. It may only have information on 1 side of the paper.

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD HISTORY REVIEW Review Africa Imperialism Map You may use 1 sheet of notebook paper on the test. It may only have information on 1 side of the paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD HISTORY REVIEW Review Africa Imperialism Map You may use 1 sheet of notebook paper on the test. It may only have information on 1 side of the paper

2 The Scientific Revolution Chapter 6 Geocentric theory: Earth is center of the universe Nicholas Copernicus & Galileo Heliocentric Model Sun is center of universe Francis Bacon: Experimentation Rene Descartes: used reason to prove everything Isaac Newton: Gravity, Laws of Motion, Mathematics Zacharias Janssen: microscope Anton van Leeuwenhoek: proved micro-organism existed Evangelista Torricelli: barometer

3 Scientific Revolution Gabriel Fahrenheit: 32 degrees is freezing: thermometer Anders Celsius: 0 degrees is freezing: thermometer Andreas Vesalius: anatomy, detailed organs William Harvey: study the heart Edward Jenner: smallpox vaccine Robert Boyle: founded modern chemistry Joseph Priestly: separated pure gas from air Antoine Lavoisier: discovered oxygen

4 The Enlightenment Absolute Monarchies Philosophes Thomas Hobbes: Leviathon, Humans selfish and wicked! SOCIAL CONTRACT: Give up rights to a strong ruler John Locke: Humans naturally good and can rule themselves Life, liberty, property Voltaire: freedom of speech & religion Montesquieu: branches of government, separation of powers Rousseau: Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains” Civilization corrupted the people

5 The Enlightenment Beccaria: wanted to eliminate torture & cruel punishment Mary Wollstonecraft: women’s rights Enlightenment Changing Society Belief in Progress A More Secular (Worldly) Outlook Importance of the Individual

6 The Enlightenment Enlightened despots Diderot: the Encyclopedia Salons: gathering places to discuss new ideas Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven American Revolution: based their revolution in the enlightenment ideas

7 The French Revolution Problems: High taxes, poor leadership, waste of money Old Regime 1 st estate, 2 nd estate, 3 rd estate, bourgeoisie Estates General: all 3 estates National Assembly The Bastille Robespierre Legislative Assembly

8 The French Revolution Jean Paul Marat The Guillotine Execution of Louis XVI Reign of Terror Napoleon Bonaparte The Directory Coup d’Etat The Napoleonic Code The Continental system The Peninsular war Napoleon’s downfall

9 The French Revolution The Hundred Days The Congress of Vienna Metternich Legitimacy

10 Revolutions Chapter 8 Simon Bolivar & Jose de San Martin Hidalgo Rise of nationalism The 3 rd republic

11 The Industrial Revolution Jethro Tull Crop rotation Why England? John Kay’s “Flying shuttle” James Hargraves’ “spinning jenny” Richard Arkwright’s “water frame” James Watt Robert Fulton’s steamboat John McAdams George Stephenson Impact of the railroads

12 The Industrial Revolution Industrial Cities Living conditions Working conditions Class tension Positive affects of industrialization Why did industrialization spread to the US? Entrepreneurs Stock Corporation Social reform

13 The Industrial Revolution Adam Smith Laissez-faire economics Capitalism Socialism Communism Utopian ideas Unions Strike Collective bargaining Horace Mann Jane Addams

14 Imperialism Chapter 11 Imperialism David Livingston Henry Stanley Forces driving imperialism Impact of natural resources in Africa The Boer War Forms of Imperialism Forms of control Impact of imperialism in Africa Geopolitics The Crown Jewel of the British Empire

15 Imperialism The Suez Canal Oil’s impact Impact of British colonial rule in India Sepoys Ram Mohun Roy French Indochina Impact of imperialism in Asia Queen Liliuokalani

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