» Please draw a map of the world! ˃Label +Continents +Countries +Oceans and Seas and Gulfs and Bays and Sounds and Inlets +Capitals and Major Cities +Rivers,

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Presentation on theme: "» Please draw a map of the world! ˃Label +Continents +Countries +Oceans and Seas and Gulfs and Bays and Sounds and Inlets +Capitals and Major Cities +Rivers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 » Please draw a map of the world! ˃Label +Continents +Countries +Oceans and Seas and Gulfs and Bays and Sounds and Inlets +Capitals and Major Cities +Rivers, Mountains, Deserts, Swamps +Anything else cool

2 » Ok, use your neighbors and friends.

3 1.Write name largely and clearly on front. 2.Walk around with your map. 1.Share your map. Introduce yourself. 2.Give compliments to one another. 3.After a few minutes, we will nominate the best maps! 1.Make sure you are ready to nominate someone who is not sitting right by you!

4 » Turn in article, outline stapled together.

5 » Sample Maps: ˃ConflictConflict ˃PopulationPopulation ˃ResourcesResources ˃HappinessHappiness ˃Wealth and otherWealth and other

6 » Analyze the connections (if any) between conflict, wealth, resources, life expectancy, and happiness. In other words, write a thesis that tells why some people are happier than others. » Then reflect in 3-4 sentences: How well did you do? How hard to did you try? What did you do to improve you map? How were you supportive of others?

7 » Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs » Culture » Cultural universals » 1. Social Organization, 2. Customs & Traditions, 3. Language, 4. Arts & Literature, 5. Religion, 6. Forms of Government, 7. Economic Systems, 8. Technology » Ethnocentrism Stereotype and Generalizations » 5 Themes of Geography Location, Place, Human-Environmental interactions, Movement, Regions » Socio-economic Systems ˃Communism ˃Socialism ˃Capitalism » Government/Political Systems Direct Democracy, Democracy, Republic, Totalitarian Governments (Oligarchy, Constitutional Monarchy, Absolute Monarchy, Fascism, Dictatorship, Theocracy) » Religion ˃What is Religion? ˃Why do people practice religion? ˃Monotheism vs. Polytheism vs. Pantheism (Animism) ˃Major Religions of the world

8 » Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ˃Why do people/countries do what they do, according to Maslow? » Culture ˃How does my own ethnocentrism influence my interactions with other individuals and cultures? ˃In a shrinking world (more globalized world) how do we interact with people who are different from us? ˃What makes us who we are, both individually & as a society? ˃How is culture shared? ˃How do cultural differences affect interactions between cultures? » 5 Themes of Geography ˃How does geography affect culture and cultural interactions? ˃Is geography to blame for inequality/conflict in the world » Government & Economics ˃What are the positive and negative effects of different government and economic systems? ˃What makes an individual or community “buy into” a system? » Religion » How and why do religions spread?

9 1.What is anthropology? ˃Anthropos- Greek for Human ˃-ology: Greek for __________. 2. What do Anthropologists study?

10 » What, do you suppose, might the 5 themes (topics) of geography be?

11 1.Location Where is it? » Absolute location: degrees of latitude and longitude. » Relative location: point of reference, e.g., near, far, a short drive.

12 3. Human/Environment Interaction » How do people interact with and change their environment? ˃Dams, canals, fields, tunnels, pollution, war » How does the environment affect human life? ˃Activities, culture, food, disasters



15 5. Regions » What are their unifying features and how do they form and change over time? » Regions are a basic unit for geographic study. » Geographers divide the world into regions to help them interpret events. » Regions can be defined on the basis of: physical and human characteristics. » For example: The Pacific Northwest, The Midwest, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa

16 2. Place What is it like? » Physical Characteristics: ˃landforms (mountains, plains, etc.) ˃bodies of water (oceans, lakes, bay, etc.) ˃ecosystems (soil, plants, animals, and climate) » Human Characteristics – ˃Bridges, dams, canals ˃roads ˃buildings ˃culture ˃language » All places have features that distinguish them from other places.

17 4. Movement » How are people and places linked by communication and the flow of people, ideas and goods? ˃Transportation ˃Communication ˃Trade ˃Patterns of movement such as migration linkages and connections


19 » Write down one real example of each of the 5 themes of geography (include one relative and one absolute example) » Location » Movement » Human/Environmental interaction » Region » Place

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