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Strategic Plan Schedule for FY13 FY13 BOD1 Stacey DelVecchio.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan Schedule for FY13 FY13 BOD1 Stacey DelVecchio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan Schedule for FY13 FY13 BOD1 Stacey DelVecchio

2 Purpose & Agenda Desired Outcome Review plans for P&SA, winter meeting and timing to complete and approve new strategic plan Agenda Mission, Vision, Value Prop Vivid Descriptions New 3-5 Year Strategy What we’re doing this year What’s different this year

3 Vision, Vision, Value Prop Done per discussion at FY12 BOD4 Shared with FY13 BOD and Senate in August Posted on SWE web site under ‘About SWE’ section

4 Vivid Descriptions Five fuller descriptions of what it means for SWE to be key to the success of women in engineering and technology SPC and Senate Mega Issues Committee compose and propose updated vivid descriptions to BOD using updated value propositions as a starting point On track to complete by the end of August Review with Senate at September telecon Review with BOD at October 2 telecon

5 New 3-5 Year Strategy Develop new 3-5 year strategy Align everything we do to the strategic goals and objectives. We think that if we do this properly Overall strategy to include Membership strategy Financial planning strategy New revenue Invitees BOD SPC Chair & Chair-Elect Senate Leadership Senate Mega Issue Committee External consultant

6 Program & Services Assessment Limited assessment CLF Awards Timing – Tuesday of BOD2

7 What we’re doing this year November 6, 2012 Location = Houston, TX Limited P&SA (CLF & Awards) Devote the rest of the time to the new strategy November 2012 to January 2013 Work off-line to keep things moving January 25 & 26, 2013 Location = Chicago, IL Devote 1.5 to 2 days to the strategy February 2013 Finish up strategy off-line March 2013 Approval of new strategy by board May 2013 Adoption of new strategy by senate

8 What’s different this year Limited P&SA January meeting is at a different time than the CPC meeting No winter face-to-face Senate meeting Environmental Scan for committee members to develop skill set

9 Back-Up

10 SWE Vision and Mission SWE Vision To be key to the success of women in engineering and technology. SWE Mission Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.

11 SWE Value Proposition …For Professionals SWE provides to its members a unique combination of personalized, flexible benefits in the areas of mentoring, training, personal and professional growth - all by women in engineering, for women in engineering. …For Collegiates SWE provides collegiate members the opportunity to inspire future generations and have fun. SWE also provides collegiate members valuable access to a unique set of resources that sets the stage for a successful career. …For Employers SWE helps the engineering profession achieve a broadly diverse, well trained workplace to enhance overall workplace performance. …For the Profession SWE provides many flexible options to inspire, support, and positively impact women in engineering on their own terms.

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