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A structured set of beliefs and practices based on the spiritual or divine through which people seek mental and physical harmony with the world around.

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Presentation on theme: "A structured set of beliefs and practices based on the spiritual or divine through which people seek mental and physical harmony with the world around."— Presentation transcript:



3 A structured set of beliefs and practices based on the spiritual or divine through which people seek mental and physical harmony with the world around them

4 a.Based on faith (the belief in things not seen or things that cannot be scientifically proven) b.Helps people make sense of their place in the world c.The feature of culture that people are least willing to compromise on d.A definitive trait of many cultural groups which often has strong and ancient linkage to place and ethnicity e.Diffused through conquest, diasporas, and contagious conversion


6 A religion that claims global truth and applicability and seeks the conversion of all mankind

7 1)Christianity, Islam, Buddhism 2)Have precise hearths and based on teachings of one person 3)Send out missionaries to proselytize (actively try to convert others to your faith) 4)Usually replace or absorb ethnic religions through conquest, conversion, or missionaries 5)Calendar/holidays based on important events of founder’s life




11 Buddhist population by %

12 A religion identified with a particular ethnic group and largely exclusive to it that does not seek converts

13 1)Judaism, Hinduism, tribal religions 2)Does not have missionaries or seek converts 3)Usually diffused through relocation 4)Calendar/holidays based on seasonal cycles and events


15 Hindu population by %

16 Special forms of ethnic religions distinguished by their small size, separation from modern society, and their close ties to nature

17 1) Used to be predominant in Africa, but Africans are now converting to Christianity (46%) or Islam (40%) so only 12% animist

18 2) Animism: Indigenous religions that believe animals and natural objects (trees, rivers, etc.) possess spirits or powers

19 3) Shamanism: Form of tribal religion led by a shaman, who serves as an intermediary between the human and the spirit world

20 4) Ancient European polytheistic religions: Druids, Wicca, etc.

21 1) Judaism, Christianity, Islam 2) Culture hearth in Southwest Asia (Middle East) 3) Abraham is patriarch => Abrahamic religions

22 e.Polytheistic: belief in many gods (Hinduism) f.Orthodox: Emphasizes purity of faith and strict adherence to a particular religious doctrine g.Fundamentalism: A return to the founding principles of a religion, including a literal interpretation of sacred texts h.Syncretic: Traditions that borrow from both the past and present, or from two different belief systems


24 a. Branch: A large and fundamental division within a religion


26 A division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations in a single legal and administrative body


28 c. Sect: A group that has theologically broken away from an established branch or denomination Mormonism Christian Science Jehovah Witness

29 Religion has a well-defined geographic structure and organizes territory into local administrative units

30 1) Roman Catholicism is the most hierarchical of all religions 2) Mormons (Latter Day Saints) are the second-most hierarchical 3) Protestants: Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist

31 Units are self-sufficient and loosely tied together in a confederation

32 1) Islam, Judaism, Hinduism have autonomous houses of worship 2) Protestants: Baptists, Church of Christ, Presbyterian


34 a.Religion is usually the basis for a society’s moral system and taboos that determine acceptable behavior 1) Often determines food (dietary laws), clothing, and jobs of a society 2) Influences a culture’s rituals surrounding life’s milestones (birth, coming of age, marriage, death)


36 1)Houses of worship: Churches, mosques, synagogues, shrines, temples 2)Religious toponyms: Saint Louis, Chapel Hill, San Francisco, etc. 3)Landscapes of the Dead: Cemeteries, catacombs, tombs, etc.

37 Wells Cathedral (England)

38 St. Basil’s Cathedral (Moscow)

39 First Church of Christ (CT)

40 Hagia Sophia (Istanbul)

41 Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem)

42 Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (Medina)

43 Jama Masjid (Delhi)

44 Bla Mosque (Mali)

45 Sikh Golden Temple (Amritsar, India)

46 Shiva Temple (India)

47 Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

48 Swayabhunath Stupa (Kathmandu)

49 The Great Buddha Statue (India)

50 Torii (Honshu)

51 Wailing Wall (Jerusalem)







58 Natural or manmade site that possesses special religious meaning

59 a) All religions have sacred space that is feared and/or revered b) Usually the site of a supernatural or historical event, or considered the home of god(s) c) Rivers, mountains, trees, and forests are often considered sacred space d) Often a pilgrimage site and many times fought over by differing religions

60 A journey for religious purposes to a sacred space






66 An indifference or rejection of religious beliefs which leads to a decline of religion’s influence on a culture



69 1) Atheist: One who does not believe in any god or gods

70 2) Agnostic: One who believes in god but does not follow any organized religion Thomas Huxley (1825-1895) coined the word agnostic


72 One who wants to separate religion from all other aspects of society (government, laws, schools, marriage, etc.)

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