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Pregnancy & Childbirth. Video How Pregnancy Happens – The Fun Way  MgNnrU MgNnrU.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy & Childbirth. Video How Pregnancy Happens – The Fun Way  MgNnrU MgNnrU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy & Childbirth

2 Video How Pregnancy Happens – The Fun Way  MgNnrU MgNnrU

3 How Does Pregnancy Happen?  MENSTRUATION During the first two weeks of a woman’s menstrual cycle she has her period. This usually lasts 3–7 days. After that, hormones make eggs mature in her ovaries, and the lining of her uterus thickens.

4  OVULATION Ovulation happens about two weeks before a woman’s next period (about day 14) would take place. The egg enters a fallopian tube and starts moving toward the uterus.  Although pregnancy could happen any time people have sex, it’s most likely it will happen two weeks before menstruation.

5  FERTILIZATION After vaginal intercourse several hundred sperm travel up through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes.  The joining of egg and sperm is called fertilization. It is most likely to occur from sexual intercourse that happens during the five days after the egg is released or on the day of ovulation.  pregnancy-fertilisation-video pregnancy-fertilisation-video

6  IMPLANTATION The fertilized egg moves down the fallopian tube and divides into more and more cells, forming a ball. The ball of cells reaches the uterus about 3–4 days after fertilization. The ball floats in the uterus for another 2–3 days.  Pregnancy begins if the ball of cells attaches to the lining of the uterus. This is called implantation.

7 Twins  To form identical twins, one fertilized egg (ovum) splits and develops two babies with exactly the same genetic information.  Fraternal twins is where two eggs (ova) are fertilized by two sperm and produce two genetically unique children, who are no more alike than individual siblings born at different times.

8 Miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy in the first 20 weeks.  Between 50 and 70 percent of first- trimester miscarriages are thought to be random events caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg.  Sometimes a miscarriage is caused by problems that occur during the delicate process of early development (egg that doesn't implant properly in the uterus or an embryo with structural defects that prevent it from developing).

9 Signs of Pregnancy  ??????

10 Signs of Pregnancy  Period is late or missing  Abnormal period, lighter or shorter than usual  Breast tenderness or fullness  Nausea and sometimes vomiting (morning sickness)  Changes in appetite  Frequent urination  Fatigue or tiredness

11 Pregnancy Tests  Urine test – detects the presence of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone that is produced when a woman becomes pregnant  Can be done by doctor or home pregnancy test  Pelvic exam - to check the size of the uterus  Blood test – rarely used

12 Prenatal Care  Medical care for pregnant woman  Important for a healthy pregnancy  Includes regular checkups and prenatal testing and prenatal vitamins  Best to begin as soon as you know you are pregnant

13  The key to having a healthy baby is taking good care of your own health. The healthier you are, the stronger you and your baby are likely to be.  Women who smoke, drink, or take drugs should stop immediately — tobacco, alcohol, and drugs can prevent a fetus developing properly.

14 Stages of Pregnancy  A normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks.  Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters.  1 st trimester: weeks 1-13  2 nd trimester: weeks 14-27  3 rd trimester: weeks 28-40

15 Terms to Know  Uterus – organ in which baby grows inside  Placenta – thick, blood-rich tissue that lines the wall of the uterus  Umbilical cord – ropelike structure that connects the embryo to the placenta  Amniotic sac – a thin, fluid-filled membrane that surrounds and protects the developing baby

16  Ultrasound – test using sound waves to see images of the baby – to determine sex, check development

17 1 st Trimester (Weeks 1-12)  During the first trimester, a woman's body goes through many changes so that it can accommodate the growth and development of the fetus.

18  Menstruation stops or becomes very light.  Breasts become larger.  The volume of blood circulating doubles.  The uterus enlarges to about three times its normal size.  "Morning sickness" occurs.  Many women experience fatigue.  Some women have bleeding at the time of a missed period during the first trimester.  Constipation and heartburn are common.

19 2 nd Trimester (Weeks 13-26)  The second trimester is often comfortable for the woman, as the discomforts felt in the first trimester have passed. It's during this time that other people can start to notice the pregnancy. Lots of women take on the "radiant glow" of pregnancy due to excitement and hormones.

20  Water retention that causes swelling of the feet and ankles. (This is called edema).  A woman can feel the fetus moving.  Nosebleeds and nasal congestion.  Breast enlargement and discharge.  Hemorrhoids and varicose veins.  Heartburn, indigestion, and constipation.

21 3 rd Trimester (Weeks 27-40)  During this period, the shape of the abdomen changes a few weeks before the onset of labor as the fetus drops towards the opening of the pelvis.

22  Movement of the fetus can be seen from the outside.  The navel pushes out.  Some women experience backaches.  In order to accommodate the weight of the fetus women tend to walk differently.  Finally, labor and delivery!  how-your-body-changes-in-pregnancy- video how-your-body-changes-in-pregnancy- video

23 Fetal Development Months 1-9

24 Weeks 1-9  pregnancy-weeks-1-9-video pregnancy-weeks-1-9-video

25 Weeks 10-14  nside-pregnancy-weeks-10-14-video nside-pregnancy-weeks-10-14-video

26 15-20 weeks  gnancy-weeks-15-20-video gnancy-weeks-15-20-video

27 21-27 weeks  nside-pregnancy-weeks-21-27-video nside-pregnancy-weeks-21-27-video

28 28-37 weeks  pregnancy-weeks-28-37-video pregnancy-weeks-28-37-video

29 Labor and Birth  nside-pregnancy-labour-and-birth-video nside-pregnancy-labour-and-birth-video

30 Baby’s gender  The sex of the baby will be able to be determined by ultrasound  nside-pregnancy-girl-or-boy-video nside-pregnancy-girl-or-boy-video

31 Stage 1  Dilation  Contraction of the uterus cause the cervix to dilate.  Cervix has to dilate to 10 centimeters.  Epidural:  t-is-an-epidural-video t-is-an-epidural-video  In 95% of pregnancies the baby’s head rests on the cervix before delivery.  Breech= feet are at cervix

32 Stage 2  Delivery of Baby  Baby passes through the birth canal and emerges from mother’s body  Head comes first, shoulders, then rest of body  C-Section – delivery through incision in abdomen and uterus

33 Stage 3  Delivery of Placenta  Contractions continue until the placenta is pushed out of the mother’s body

34 Childbirth Videos  Vaginal birth  zYc& ch%3Fv%3DhqE90sp-zYc&has_verified=1 zYc& ch%3Fv%3DhqE90sp-zYc&has_verified=1  Cesarean birth  involved-in-a-caesarean-section-video involved-in-a-caesarean-section-video  Fv%3DgJeRWGxOTcA&has_verified=1 Fv%3DgJeRWGxOTcA&has_verified=1

35  Newborn Care  care-immediately-after-birth_3658844.bc care-immediately-after-birth_3658844.bc  Recovery from C-section  recovery-wound-care_10314058.bc recovery-wound-care_10314058.bc

36 Additional Videos  Water Birth  water-birth_3658855.bc water-birth_3658855.bc  Twins  twins_10314056.bc twins_10314056.bc  Vacuum and forceps  and-forceps-during-birth_3656512.bc and-forceps-during-birth_3656512.bc

37  Apgar Test  apgar-test_10300050.bc apgar-test_10300050.bc  Newborn Care  care-immediately-after-birth_3658844.bc care-immediately-after-birth_3658844.bc  Breastfeeding Basics  breastfeeding-success_10326780.bc breastfeeding-success_10326780.bc

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