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Hi. I’m Martin. Hi. I’m Patrick. Hi. I’m Alex. We take you on a short trip through the forests in our area. FOREST ADVENTURE: FORESTS IN POLAND AND EUROPE.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi. I’m Martin. Hi. I’m Patrick. Hi. I’m Alex. We take you on a short trip through the forests in our area. FOREST ADVENTURE: FORESTS IN POLAND AND EUROPE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi. I’m Martin. Hi. I’m Patrick. Hi. I’m Alex. We take you on a short trip through the forests in our area. FOREST ADVENTURE: FORESTS IN POLAND AND EUROPE

2 Forests in Poland over time Forest area in Poland has increased since 1918 as a result of afforestation. Nowadays forest area in Poland covers 29.1% of the country’s territory. Source: Central Statistical Office.

3 TREES SPECIES IN POLAND AND POWIDZKI LANDSCAPE PARK. Coniferous forests cover 52.6% of the forested area in Poland. This domination of coniferous species is also characteristic of POWIDZKI LANDSCAPE PARK. The photos taken by our team present pine and spruce trees (Pinus sylvesrtis, Picea abies). The most important species are pine, oak, alder and birch. Walking through the forests around Skorzęcin we can also find ash, poplar, spruce and beech.

4 OUR ADVENTURE IN POWIDZKI LANDSCAPE PARK The park was opened in 1998 in order to protect natural and historical values. It’s surface area is 24.600 ha. There are 17 postglacial lakes which are narrow, long and deep. There are 2 examples of the biggest and cleanest lakes in Wielkopolska: Lake Powidzkie and Lake Skorzęcińskie. In the park there are 990 plant’s species in 216 gatherings. Thirteen impressive trees are protected. The park’s fauna includes 147 bird’s species and mammal’s species. There are 22 fish species in the lakes. Skorzęcińskie Lake. The photos were taken by our team. The oaks – natural monuments- in Skorzęcin. Over the waters of White Lake there are the largest group of monumental trees - 43 sessile oaks - which circuit is over 300-400 centimetres. The photo was taken by our team. On near meadows we can meet Lathyrus palustris and Viola persicifolia.

5 Countries with forest cover index costest to Poland and diversity in POWIDZKI LANDSCAPE PARK Germany, France, Romania and Turkey are among the countries which forest cover index is similar to our forest cover index. Source YPEF. Area of forest where we were walking is known because of a great diversity of vegetation. People can meet sundews, tussock cottongrass, bog bilberry and several species of sphagnum moss. In our forests we can find Lycopodium juniper too.

6 COMPARISON OF THE OLDEST TREES IN EUROPE, POLAND AND IN POWIDZKI LANDSCAPE PARK. The oldest trees in Europe: 1. Pinea abies (Sweden) 2. Taxus baccata (Great Britain) 3 Quercus robur (Lithuania) The oldest trees in Poland : 1. Taxus baccata 2. Quercus robur (The Kołobrzeski Forest) 3. Quercus robur (Bory Dolnośląskie) The oldest tree in Powidzki Landscape Park: 1. Quercus robur (Giewartów) The oldest oak in our area is named THE OAK SOKÓŁ. It was planted in the thirteenth century. This tree is protected under the park (Powidzki Landscape Park ). We admire the old oaks in Powidzki Landscape Park (Skorzęcin).

7 Estimating the age of a tree - in Powidzki Landscape Park. By measuring around the tree and carrying out a simple calculation our team could make a very rough estimate about how old a living tree- the oak- is. We chose a deciduous tree (a tree that drops its leaves in winter) in an open space (a park in Skorzęcin, Powidzki Landscape Park ). With the help of friends, we used a tape measure to measure the circumference of the tree trunk at a height of around 1 metre. We tried to avoid any lumps on the trunk surface. We divided the circumference in centimetres by 2.5. In this way we had an approximate age of our oak! Our oak is about 300 years old.



10 The highest trees in Europe, Poland and Powidzki Landscape Park vs Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw The Palace of Culture and Science is the tallest building in Poland, the seventh tallest building in the European Union and in a Top-20 in the Europe. It is 237 metres tall. The tallest tree in Europe –THE KARRI KNIGHT- is shorter than this building.Source: Internet Rekordy na świecie.tallest buildingEuropean UnionTop-20 in the Europe

11 HEIGHT COMPARISON OF THE TALLEST TREES IN POLAND AND OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES The highest european tree called THE KARRI NIGHT (Eucalyptus diversicolor) is growing in Portugal. The highest trees we can also find in Germany (Abies alba) and in Spain (Eucalyptus globulus). THE THICK FIR (Abies Alba) and THE ANDERSON’S SPRUCE (Pinea abies) are known as the highest trees in Poland.

12 The occurrence of the moose in Poland and POWIDZKI LANDSCAPE PARK In Poland we have about 14000 mooses - a large deer with palmate antlers, a sloping back, and a growth of skin hanging from the neck. It is native to northern Eurasia and northern North America. In our Powidzki Lanscape Park we also have mooses. We are reading the information about the park. The photo was taken by our geography teacher – Mr Tomasz Majchrzak. Source: YPEF

13 PREDATORS in ROMANIA vs PREDATORS IN POLAND In Poland and Romania’s forests we have a good chance of seeing populations of bears, wolves and lynxes but the amount of tchem is different in both countries.

14 The occurrence of wolves around the world Wolves around the world Wolves in numbers The highest numers of wolves are noted in Canada (50000), Russia (30000) and Alaska (5-7 thousand). In Europe there are about four thousand wolves in Romania. In Poland the wolves are found in different areas: 1. The Carpatians Mountains 2. Roztocze 3. Małopolska Province 4. Warmia-Masuria Province 5. Podkarpacie Province 6. Podlasie Province Source: Wolves in Poland

15 The occurrence of wolves in Europe In Romania there are about 4 thousand wolves; in Poland we have about 1300 wolves. We can find the wolves in Latvia, Ukraine, Italy, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Spain,Greece, Scandinavia, Albania and in other areas.

16 Bibliografia  Będkowska Hanna, Na początek ekologia, Centrum Informacyjne Lasów Państwowych, Warszawa 2015  Urząd Gminy i Miasta Witkowo, Folder „Przygoda z przyrodą” – oznakowanie przyrodniczej ścieżki dydaktycznej na terenie Gminy Witkowo., Witkowo 2014       YPEF  Zdjęcia własne autorów prezentacji

17 Thanks for watching  Marcin Kaszyński, class II a  Patryk Sołtysiak, class II a  Aleks Kwapich, class II d  Gimnazjum im. Adama Borysa w Witkowie ul. Poznańska 47 62-230 Witkowo

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