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docudrama is a genre of radio and television programming, feature film, and staged theatre, which features dramatized re- enactments of actual events.

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Presentation on theme: "docudrama is a genre of radio and television programming, feature film, and staged theatre, which features dramatized re- enactments of actual events."— Presentation transcript:


2 docudrama is a genre of radio and television programming, feature film, and staged theatre, which features dramatized re- enactments of actual events. skit A short, usually comic dramatic performance or work; a theatrical sketch; A short humorous or satirical piece of writing. A documentary film is a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical recordnonfictionalmotion picturedocument Infomercial a television program that promotes a product in an informative and supposedly objective way.

3 Script Writing

4 Sample Script Do You Want To Buy a Dog? EXT.COURTYARD.DAY ESTABLISHING SHOT (WS): PERSON A is standing in the courtyard alone. LONG: PERSON B enters and walks up to PERSON A. MCU: PERSON A Do you want to buy a dog? CU: PERSON B (thinking and pondering) Does it bark? XCU: PERSON A (annoyed, eyes rolling) Of course it barks! LS: PERSON B (shakes head and walks away.) SCRIPTING FORMAT: On the left hand column the following information is delivered: Exterior/Interior Location/ Time of Day Type of Shot/ Angle Subject description/movements Any sound excluding dialogue/ speech In the centered column the following information is delivered: Subject name Subject mannerisms/ mood/ behavior Subject Dialogue

5 Sample Screenplay Page

6  Transitions are film editing instructions, and generally only appear in a shooting script. Transition verbiage includes:  CUT TO:  DISSOLVE TO:  SMASH CUT:  QUICK CUT:  FADE TO:

7  A shot tells the reader the focal point within a scene has changed. Examples of Shots:  ANGLE ON --  EXTREME CLOSE UP --  PAN TO --  LIAM'S POV --

8 Types of Shots

9 What is it? Subject exceeds the boundaries of the frame. Why use it? Creates intensity or tension when subject is a person, or gives high detail on object.

10 What is it? Frames a person’s face, cuts off at midneck, usually shows entire head. Why use it? Shows emotion or shows an object in detail.

11  What is it? Frames head and upper torso, cuts off at mid-chest.  Why use it? Close enough to read facial expressions but gives polite distance; reveals a bit of surroundings.

12  What is it? Frames a subject from the waist up.  Why use it? Happy medium between CU and LS. With MCU, the most common type of shot. Zoom from MS to MCU for emphasis or conclusion.

13 What is it? Frames the subject from the feet up or may be slightly further away to show motion. Why use it? Subject is the person, environment is clearly visible. Use it for action, not meaning or emotion.

14  What is it? Camera is far away from the action.  Why use it? Emphasizes the environment, human subjects are not the point of the shot. Tells the viewer where the story is taking place; can be used to establish a new location (also called an establishing shot).

15 Types of Angles

16  To film this shot, the camera is placed lower than the person or object to be filmed. A low angle is used when you want to depict the power or importance of an individual or object.

17  In order to film a Dutch angle, the camera has to be tilted to the right or left. A Dutch angle is used to signify suspense or to foreshadow that something unexpected is about to happen.  Note: A Dutch angle is also called a canted angle or canted shot. Pictures courtesy of:

18  In order to shoot a high angle, the camera must be placed above the actors or objects, looking down. This is also called a “bird’s-eye view.” This angle is used to make the actors or objects appear more insignificant, small, or weak— depending on how extreme the angle is.

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