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Chapter 30 Angiosperms Gymnosperms -products; wood, paper, beverages, cosmetics, and medicines.

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1 Chapter 30 Angiosperms Gymnosperms -products; wood, paper, beverages, cosmetics, and medicines

2 Angiosperms: Flowering Plants Gymnosperms: plants that produce seeds that are exposed rather than enclosed in fruits (angiosperms) Most are woody plants, trees or shrubs

3 3 A phylogeny of modern vascular seedless and seed plants Wood: tissue of pipe-like arrays of empty, water-conducting cells Can transport water upward and provide structural support First trees with leafy twigs and wood appeared 370 MYA

4 4 Cycads: diverged from modern gymnosperms 300 MYA Rare species and endangered Coralloid roots of cycads b. a ring of symbiotic cyanobacteria provides the plant with Nitrogen Ginkgo biloba last survivor of a once diverse group during the age of Dinosaurs Ornamental; can live for more than 1000 years

5 Conifers (goes with reproduction slide) -Named for their seed cones (i.e. pinecone) -Produce pollen bearing cones and complex ovule-bearing cones -Pollen is wind blown and attach to ovules and this process takes 2 years

6 6 Life Cycle of the Genus Pinus

7 7 Conifer wood contains tracheids (a.) specialized vascular cells for efficient water and mineral conduction (b.) Tracheids possess thin-walled circular pits where water moves vertically and laterally from one tracheid to another. Torus non-porous and functions like a valve (c.) dry conditions the torus will push against the pit opening sealing it

8 8 Conifer leaves: typically shaped as small scales or long needles, with similar internal structure -helps shed snow -less water evaporation -waxy thick cuticle

9 9 Conifer phylum also includes Gnetales -Tropical -Still conserve water -less evaporation

10 10 Angiosperms: Flowering Plants 124mya one extinct gymnosperm group gave rise to angiosperms -Food, beverages, spices, and decoration -Flowers and fruits defining features -enclosed seed -seed nutritive of endosperm Flowers foster seed production Fruit favor seed dispersal Sexual Reproduction

11 Defining parts of a flower 4 organs: Sepals, petals, (pollen) stamens, (Ovule) carpels -Petals: play a role in pollination -Sepals: green and form the outer layer of flower buds -Stamens: produce and disperse pollen -Carpels: structures that produce ovules Pistil contains Stigma which receives and recognizes pollen The Style takes pollen to ovary Ovary protects ovules

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13 13 Hypothetical Evolutionary origin of stamens, carpels, and pistils. Plant biologists test these models by searching for new fossils or generating additional molecular data.

14 14 Phylogeny of Major modern angiosperm lineages Molecular data: whole-genome duplication occurred after divergence of Amborella influenced diversification of modern angiosperms

15 15 A trichopoda flower similar to a hypothesized early flower also produces flowers that lack carpels but has functional stamens

16 16 Evolutionary Changes in Flower Structure -Genome doubling (polyploidy) happened frequently during the evolutionary history of plants -This offers many genes the opportunity to diverge forming gene families -Led to diversification of seed production based on animals using the flower based on floral tube size -Diverse fruit types, color like cherries, seed coats

17 17 Major types of plant secondary metabolites -play roles in plant structure, reproduction, and protection Terpene- Rubber, Amber Phenols- Absorb UV rays, defend against insects and disease i.e. blueberries, tea Alkaloids- contain nitrogen and can have potent effects i.e. caffeine, cocaine, morphine

18 18 Domestication: artificial selection Cultivated bread/wheat one of the earliest food crops around 8,000 ya Corn was domesticated grass some 9,000ya (fossil pollen, larger ears) Corn is much more edible

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