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The Life Cycle of a Butterfly  What did you learn in your exploration?  Which parts of the life cycle are you unsure about? 4.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life Cycle of a Butterfly  What did you learn in your exploration?  Which parts of the life cycle are you unsure about? 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life Cycle of a Butterfly  What did you learn in your exploration?  Which parts of the life cycle are you unsure about? 4

2 Stage 1: Eggs Mother butterfly lays eggs on plant Sets in place with glue-like substance Usually 100-300 eggs laid Butterfly chooses plant carefully, as caterpillars will later feast on it In some cases, I only ‘stick’ around for approximately 4 – 7 days. 10;5 5 11 7

3 Stage 2: Caterpillar  Caterpillar hatches from egg  Feasts on it’s ‘birth’ plant  Sheds skin approx. 4-5 times 12 8

4 Stage 3: Chrysalis Caterpillar hangs from a branch and spins a chrysalis around itself Chrysalis made of silk material Butterfly organs forming inside Stage can last days/weeks/months I am also called a ‘pupa’ 13 5 7 10

5 Stage 4: Butterfly Butterfly emerges Fluid in abdomen acts like air in a balloon to inflate wings Wings dry before taking flight Eats flower nectar After mating, will search for perfect plant to lay eggs Life cycle begins again 14 7 7 6 3

6 Deforestation: Destroying the Butterfly’s Habitat What do you know about deforestation? 2 2 17 9

7 How can you help protect the butterfly’s habitat? Plant a tree Reduce junk mail Donate pocket money to organisations such as Greenpeace 1 2 16

8 References 1 Act Now. (2009). Take action on deforestation. Retrieved from 2 Birmingham Public Schools. (2013). Reduce reuse recycle [Image]. Retrieved from 9385/reduce_reuse_recycle.jpg&imgrefurl=,%2BReuse,%2BRecycle&usg=__Kq2 8pxyhhsSgp5IA_ymr3wuSxCU=&h=400&w=400&sz=28&hl=en&start=19&sig2=ujoH0gm0H3- oWoqWKVIDcw&zoom=1&tbnid=dAzfi8OECUJgQM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=124&ei=DcSDUYeFO4SLrQfFuIDYCw&um=1&itbs=1&sa= X&ved=0CFEQrQMwEg 3 Butterfly Life Cycle. (2013). What do butterflies eat. Retrieved from 4 Dannyphoto80. (2008). Butterfly life cycle [Image]. Retrieved from 5 Defenders of Wildlife. (2013). Basic facts about butterflies. Retrieved from 6 National History Museum. (2013). Butterflies: Follow the life cycles. Retrieved from

9 7 Oberhauser, Dr. K. (2013). Life cycle. Retrieved from 8 Pacific Science Centre’s Exhibits Online [PACSCI]. (2000). Butterfly and moth life cycle. Retrieved from 9 Rose, P. (2005). Deforestation[Image]. Retrieved from 10 The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (ANSP). (2013a). Butterfly life cycle. Retrieved from 11 The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (ANSP). (2013b). Monarch egg [Image]. Retrieved from 12 The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (ANSP). (2013c). Monarch caterpillar [Image]. Retrieved from

10 13 The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (ANSP). (2013d). Monarch chrysalis [Image]. Retrieved from 14 The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (ANSP). (2013e). Monarch adult [Image]. Retrieved from 15 Tree Appeal. (2010). Students planting trees [Image]. Retrieved from 16 World Visits. (2012). Tropical rainforests travel information [Image]. (2012). Retrieved from

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