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The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. The learner will: be able to name and identify the four stages of a butterfly’s life cycle write a paragraph addressing.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. The learner will: be able to name and identify the four stages of a butterfly’s life cycle write a paragraph addressing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

2 The learner will: be able to name and identify the four stages of a butterfly’s life cycle write a paragraph addressing the information from this presentation

3 The First Stage of a Butterfly's Life. The egg is the first stage of a butterfly’s life.

4 The eggs are laid in a safe location on or near the plants that the caterpillar will eat.

5 The Second Stage of a Butterfly’s Life The second stage is the larva or caterpillar.

6 The Second Stage of a Butterfly’s Life This is a picture of a real caterpillar in its natural habitat.

7 The larva eats constantly and grows quickly.

8 The Third Stage of a Butterfly’s Life The chrysalis or pupa is the hard covering formed around the larva. Inside this covering, the pupa changes

9 The Third Stage of a Butterfly’s Life This is an actual picture of a pupa.

10 The Last Stage of a Butterfly’s Life. The final stage is the pupa breaking open; an adult butterfly emerges.

11 Metamorphosis The development from an egg, to larva, to pupa, and adult butterfly is metamorphosis.

12 Think about what you’ve learned. Now you will write a paragraph about the information you learned from this presentation. I have given you a topic sentence to get started. You may use your own topic sentence if you like.

13 Use one transition word, and one sparkle word, Use three sparkle words Use one sparkle word Use a transition word There are four stages of a butterfly’s life

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