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The Lifecycle of the Butterfly and the Silk Moth.

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Presentation on theme: "The Lifecycle of the Butterfly and the Silk Moth."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lifecycle of the Butterfly and the Silk Moth.
By Darcy Piazza

2 The butterfly and the silk worm have unique lifecycles.
Their life cycles consist of four stages: egg larva: caterpillar and silkworm pupa: cocoon or chrysalis butterfly or silk moth

3 First Stage: Egg Each adult butterfly and silkworm lays hundreds of eggs in neat rows. They may be round like balls or flat like pancakes. net/naturfotografie/ eier2_6e.htm

4 Second Stage: Larva The caterpillar and the silkworm eat and grow. Silkworms eat only mulberry leaves. Caterpillars eat leaves specific to their species.

5 Third Stage: Pupa The caterpillar spins a chrysalis.
The silkworm spins a cocoon.

6 Fourth Stage:Butterfly and Silk Moth
The caterpillar hatches from it’s chrysalis into a butterfly. The silkworm hatches from it’s cocoon into a silk moth.

7 Begin Again! The butterfly and the silk moth lay eggs to start the lifecycle again. net/naturfotografie/ eier2_6e.htm

8 Fun Facts:

9 Questions: What are the four stages of a caterpillar lifecycle?
How many eggs do silk moths lay? What do caterpillars and silkworms eat?

10 Work Cited: net/naturfotografie/ eier2_6e.htm

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