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The Lion King? 10 Things I Hate About You? She’s the Man? Deliver Us from Eva? Forbidden Planet?

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Presentation on theme: "The Lion King? 10 Things I Hate About You? She’s the Man? Deliver Us from Eva? Forbidden Planet?"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Lion King? 10 Things I Hate About You? She’s the Man? Deliver Us from Eva? Forbidden Planet?

3 Widely considered the greatest writer in the English language His works have been translated into every major modern language Known for writing both plays and poetry


5 From Titus Andronicus: Demetrius: "Villain, what hast thou done?" Aaron: "That which thou canst not undo." Chiron: "Thou hast undone our mother." Aaron: "Villain, I have done thy mother."

6 The tragic hero: Is of noble birth or high position Has a tragic flaw that, combined with some outside circumstances, leads to his downfall

7 Time Uncertainty

8 Rhyming couplets: used to signal the end of a section or a very important idea Soliloquy: An individual speech that reveals what a character is thinking or planning. Occurs when an actor is alone on stage. Aside: A quick statement directly to the audience that reveals what a character is thinking. Occurs when more than one actor is on the stage, but only the audience can “hear” the aside

9 The tragic hero of the play A talented, well-respected General of Venice Not used to being in a romantic relationship

10 Married to Othello Lived a sheltered life before falling for Othello A loyal, devoted wife

11 The villain of the play Othello’s “ancient” or assistant Extremely devious and manipulative; knows what to tell people to get them to do what he wants http://tim- pg

12 Othello’s newly-appointed second-in-command Considered very handsome and somewhat of a womanizer A skilled tactician, but has never truly seen battle

13 Married to Iago Desdemona’s Lady’s Maid (and closest friend) Doesn’t realize what kind of man Iago truly is until it’s too late – but watch out when she does!

14 A sonnet is a poem with 14 lines. All sonnets have a volta or a “turn,” when the subject of the sonnet shifts subtly from one subject to another A Petrachan Sonnet is divided into two parts: An octave (a set of eight lines) A sestet (a set of six lines) Rhyme Scheme: abba abba cde cde OR abba abba cd cd cd

15 A Shakespearean sonnet is divided into four parts: Three quatrains (group of four lines) One rhyming couplet at the end The three quatrains usually set up the theme of the poem, while the final couplet offers the resolution or an explanation Shakespeare wrote his sonnets in iambic pentameter. Rhyme Scheme: abab cdcd efef gg

16 Answer the following question in a well- formed paragraph. Remember to write in complete sentences! Question: How much is too much to put up with in a relationship? Where do you draw the line?

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