Persuasion Is All Around You! “Can You Hear Me Now?”

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2 Persuasion Is All Around You! “Can You Hear Me Now?”

3 What is persuasion? A means of convincing people: to buy a certain product to believe something or act in a certain way to agree with a point of view

4 Aristotle’s three persuasive devices

5 What do they mean?

6 Ethos would include testimonials Logos would include factual claims, surveys, statistics, etc. Usually include –er words (ex: this makes your house cleaner) Pathos would include positive or negative emotions

7 Common persuasive techniques often used in advertising Slogan Repetition Bandwagon Testimonial Emotional Appeal Expert Opinion Purpose?

8 Don’t believe everything on tv… pxg5wE

9 Slogan: “Can you hear me now?” A catchy phrase or statement often used to sell a service or a product -IAQ-E

10 Repetition: The name of a product is repeated many times HEAD ON Apply directly to the forehead

11 Bandwagon A statement suggesting that everyone is using a specific product, so you should too Ex: “Thousands of allergy suffers use Sneeze-Free.” GZQt1pYA4_T7MUh2zGhVlqDY&index=6

12 Testimonial A well-known person supports a product or service

13 Emotional Appeal A person is made to have strong feelings about a situation or product Loaded Words/Language: Words that use strong Connotations. Ex: It is a miracle product!

14 Expert opinion Experts approve this product, so you should use it “Four out of five dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum”

15 Propaganda Information that is one-sided or misleading; usually political The systematic giving out of information that reflects the views, ideas, etc. of a certain group


17 Hidden Messages Pictures or words that convey an idea without stating it directly. Information that is not immediately noticeable or explicit


19 stereotype An oversimplified conception, image or opinion shared by a large number of people Ex: wicked stepmother, dumb jock

20 laptops.jpg

21 Bias prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.


23 Quick review Slogan Repetition Bandwagon Testimonial Emotional Appeal Expert Opinion

24 Audience Awareness Advertisers know how to target their audiences (to whom do you want to sell product?) use appropriate persuasive technique

25 Check out some car commercials Swagger wagon Check out some car commercials Swagger wagon

26 Who’s the audience?

27 Audience?




31 Purpose? Persuasive technique?

32 Audience? Purpose? Persuasive technique?

33 Audience?

34 Purpose?

35 Audience? Persuasive technique? Purpose?

36 Audience? Persuasive technique?

37 Relevant facts Advertisers spend about $200 billion a year on TV advertising The average cost for Super Bowl ads is $2.6 million per 30 second spot The average American watches about 24,000 TV commercials a year

38 Making Connections What is your favorite jingle? What slogan for a product do you find yourself saying? What TV commercial has influenced you to make a purchase? Since Tubby Smith and Billy Gillispie shop at Kroger, does that mean we should too?

39 Reflection “Persuasion is all around you” In addition to TV commercials, where else do you see persuasion all around you? Is that persuasion influencing you or your family in any way? Explain.

40 Game time--Jeopardy com.php?gamefile= Feb201007/jeopardy1266764753.txt#.VSWLpPnF91Z com.php?gamefile= Feb201007/jeopardy1266764753.txt#.VSWLpPnF91Z

41 All links and some graphics provided by G. Burke Sources: Youtube Jennifer Bernhard Literacy Specialist Clark County Schools

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