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Big Kirk Hallam Community Conversation and Consultation Event 4 March 2016.

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1 Big Kirk Hallam Community Conversation and Consultation Event 4 March 2016

2 £1 million over 10 years Resident led Partnership group Consultation process Themes and priorities Plan year 1 & 2 Now moving to plan year 3 & 4

3 Successes year 1 and 2 Improvements to community facilities – Community Hall heating and lighting – Social club disabled toilet, gate and tarmacing, money towards fencing

4 Successes year 1 and 2 Youth Club 50 – 70 young people attending each week Extended sessions in holiday time Positive diversionary activities for young people Training for volunteers – arrows programme Mentoring Character development and citizenship

5 Successes year 1 and 2 Fli mobile skate park – Increased sessions to 2 a month – well attended – around 30 children and young people attend sessions – “Love how there’s skateboards and scooters to use and whizz around on”


7 Successes year 1 and 2 Passport Project – Dallimore and Ladywood Schools – Passport and evidence scrap book – Activities at school and linked to curriculum – Activities at home





12 Successes year 1 and 2 Dadtastic Group – Group of Dads meeting on Saturday mornings – Able to spend quality time with their children and meet other dads

13 Successes year 1 and 2 Big Kirk Hallam Camp Out Putting up tents, starman and stargazing, sleeping under canvas, shelter building, archery, distilling water to make hot chocolate, eating bugs, team building through silent communication, tried dehydrated camping food


15 “ I enjoyed sleeping because we had a midnight feast” “I enjoyed water purifying and staying up, being loud, because it was so fun” “I enjoyed most watching the stars because it was fantastic” “I have learnt to make pancakes with fire, use flint and steel and put up and down tents” “I most enjoyed trying the bugs because it was something new”“This has encouraged me to do anything”

16 Successes year 1 and 2 Fishy Friday Intergenerational project Year 2 changed format – invite grandparents Now have high take up


18 Successes year 1 and 2 Children Centre Family Fun Days Every Child a talker project Kinship Group

19 Successes year 1 and 2 Art at the HeART of Wellbeing Individual 1 to 1 sessions – small number but massive impact on individuals Extracts from case studies Community arts classes but limited take up

20 Successes year 1 and 2 Girls forum Confidence and self esteem building MAT team have taken over this project and will be looking at ways to increase numbers

21 Successes year 1 and 2 Childrens saving club Small group of regular savers One Dallimore pupil saved £100 Ladywood pupil brought in £50 Resources such as pocket money books and cash registers and play money purchased

22 Dallimore Chinese New Year Children from Dallimore worked with musician / storyteller Learnt stories, song, instruments and dance Performance in Ilkeston Town for chinese new year


24 Community chest Cyclo Cross cycling course – 120 students at KHCA took part. Same day as Tour of Britain cycle race

25 Community chest continued Ladywood School – This girl can Ladywood school – Black Country Museum trip contribution Dallimore and Ladywood mad science project KH Cubs – 3 way fridge and picnic equipment


27 Community events and celebrations Lakes and Meadows Festival Summer Fun Festival Church summer Fete Harvest Moon

28 Development Projects Year 2 Older persons exercise / social event Food bank / food co-op Welcome signs / flower beds Big Kirk Hallam Games Youth shelters Training

29 Financial Information Total spend at end of year 1 = £54,544.18 Total spent to 31/1/16 = £30,807.48 Anticipated spend end year 2 = £75,000

30 ThemeYear 1Year 2 to date Things to do and places to go£26,982.52£12,614.01 Access and the environment£500-£500 Quality of life£10,264.25£10,606.06 Education and training£7,412.5£3,780 Miscellaneous Partnership Costs£9,384.91£4,307.41 Total£54,544.18£30,807.48

31 Publicity Newsletters Website Social media Twitter Spreading the message – Mr Big Kirk Hallam


33 Plan Years 3 and 4 Partnership group have reviewed years 1 & 2 Looked at projects which have been successful Looked at messages from community conversations Taken on board issues identified by partners working in the area

34 Nothing substantially has changed Vision remains the same ‘Help make Kirk Hallam an even better place to live through fostering community spirit and increasing togetherness, improving opportunities we have and the environment we live in.’

35 Partnership identified some areas where further work was needed – More resident involvement – Older people accessing projects – Hard to identify delivery partners for some projects – Hard to get some projects started – Some big areas in plan which need revisiting

36 Partnership group noted Reduction in ASB, theft and robbery Worrying trend of increasingly hard circumstances that some people find themselves in The focus of quality of life remains central to the plan

37 Original plan had 16 priorities arranged over the 4 themes. We have reduced these to 12 to reflect areas which are not within the scope of BKH to progress e.g. improved shopping facilities and improved disabled access

38 THINGS TO DO AND PLACES TO GO Priority 1Things to do and places to go for children Priority 2Things to do and places to go for young people Priority 3Things to do and places to go for older residents Priority 4Improved facilities outside and inside

39 ACCESS & THE ENVIRONMENT Priority 1A nicer environment, with less litter, graffiti and dog mess Priority 2Safety through tackling vandalism Priority 3Better transport around Kirk Hallam and to city centres

40 QUALITY OF LIFE Priority 1Priority 1 Supporting families Priority 2Supporting vulnerable people (drugs and alcohol) Priority 3Community spirit and celebration Priority 4Tacking hardship and poverty

41 EDUCATION AND TRAINING Priority 1Apprenticeships, training and jobs

42 Things to do and places to go for children YEAR 3YEAR 4 Family Fun days Childrens Centre £1500 Holiday Play days Development Dev Dadtastic Dadtastic/Childrens centre £2000 BKH Camp out Ladywood and Dallimore £4000 BKH Passport Ladywood and Dallimore £4000

43 Things to do and places to go for young people YEAR 3YEAR 4 Skate park Erewash Borough Council / WREN £43,7000 BKH Games School Sports Partnership - Development Dev Youth Club night and school holidays Enthusiasm £13,000 Activities for youth club Enthusiasm £3000 Activities – mobile Skate park Fli £4380

44 Things to do and places to go for older people YEAR 3YEAR 4 BKH School lunch Ladywood and Dallimore £3,120 Get growing community garden Schools / EMH/ Development £3000 Evergreens fitness / social activity Development £5,000

45 Improving facilities YEAR 3YEAR 4 Small scale improvements to local facilities which will have a direct benefit to KH residents £5,000

46 Access and the Environment YEAR 3YEAR 4 Youth shelters / seating area Development (From year 2) poss EBC £18,000 Welcome signs / Sculptures / flower beds Development (from year 2) Dev

47 Quality of life – supporting families YEAR 3YEAR 4 Family support - ECAT Childrens centre / Schools £3,000 Kinship Group Ladywood £1500

48 Quality of life – Supporting vulnerable people YEAR 3YEAR 4 Art at the Heart of wellbeing Erewash Borough council £5,400 Kirk Hallam Girls forum Derbyshire County Council £3000 Supporting people with dementia Community concern erewash Awaiting costs Supporting young carers Development Dev Supporting families with mental health, drug and alcohol dependency Dev

49 Quality of life – Community spirit & celebration YEAR 3YEAR 4 Community events: Summer fun festival, Harvest moon, lakes and meadow, BKH annual event, church summer fete £4,300 Community chest£10,000

50 Quality of life – Tackling hardship and poverty YEAR 3YEAR 4 Financial awareness raising for children Ladywood / Dallimore / Derbyshire Community Bank £500 Childrens savings club Ladywood / Dallimore / Derbyshire Community Bank £1,500 Adult savings club Derbyshire Community Bank 0£1,000 Food bank Development £10,000

51 Education and training YEAR 3YEAR 4 Coaching awards School Sports partnership £1,800 Communications Plan coordinator / Enthusiasm /schools £4000 Capacity Building youth Club Enthusiasm £4000 Community Café YMCA – development Dev Bursaries Development Dev

52 Surveys 100 surveys to be completed each year to provide a snapshot of life in Kirk Hallam and the impact Big Kirk Hallam is making Please complete a survey today!

53 Reflections / discussions Your view of the plan Any gaps / issues the partnership group need to consider Long term ideas

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