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Short story fiction writing The basics: a series of notes.

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1 Short story fiction writing The basics: a series of notes

2 What’s required? There are several key elements common to all forms of creative writing. These are character, plot, setting, structure, narrative voice, action, dialogue, and style or genre (Griffith University, 2012, p. 17).

3 Character When developing characters in your story, it is best to develop them through their actions and reactions. Show how they deal with situations as apposed to telling the reader about the character. One engages the reader in your story while the other sounds preachy.

4 Plot Understanding these story elements for developing actions and their end results will help you plot your next short story. “Hook.” A thrilling, gripping, stirring event or problem that grabs the reader’s attention right away. Conflict. A character versus the internal self or an external something or someone. Exposition. Background information required for seeing the characters in context. Complication. One or more problems that keep a character from their intended goal. Climax. When the rising action of the story reaches the peak. Falling Action. Releasing the action of the story after the climax. Resolution. When the internal or external conflict is resolve.

5 Setting This is where the story takes place. You should use enough imagery that it is easy for your reader to imagine what the setting would look and feel like.

6 Structure Basic structure is linear: Beginning, middle, end. This is a good place to start because it keeps sequencing clear to your reader. However, the use of flashbacks or different character view-points can be effective so long as all transitions are obvious to your audience.

7 Narrative Voice Who is telling the story? If it is first person from the perspective of a character, what biases do they have? What limitations are their on their views? If it is from an omniscient narrator, what will be the tone (attitude toward the subject) and how will you keep it consistent throughout?

8 Action What are your characters doing? An effective story will show what the characters do (and thus give us insight into who they are) and not just tell the audience about things. Actions speak louder than words…..even in writing.

9 Dialogue Realistic dialogue is key to having your story be believable. It is often helpful to listen to real conversations for insights into how to get your characters to sound realistic.

10 Style/genre What kind of story are you going for? Who is your audience? What will interest them? *For our first short story, we are going to write a suspense story. This could be scary, mysterious, or action oriented.

11 Sources "Elements of Creative Writing [Week 3 – Part 1] – The Craft Of..." The Craft of Writing Fiction. 10 Sept. 2012. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. Griffith University. (2012). CWR111 Writing the Short Story: Study Guide plus Supplementary Lectures.Brisbane, QLD: Griffith University School of Humanities. "Short Story Tips: 10 Ways to Improve Your Creative Writing." Jerzs Literacy Weblog. 30 Mar. 2011. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.

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