Sovereignty - a country's independent authority and the right to govern itself. direct rule indirect rule protectorate sphere of influence imperialism.

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Presentation on theme: "Sovereignty - a country's independent authority and the right to govern itself. direct rule indirect rule protectorate sphere of influence imperialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sovereignty - a country's independent authority and the right to govern itself. direct rule indirect rule protectorate sphere of influence imperialism Viceroy - a person sent by a king or queen to rule a colony. p. 145-148

2 Standard 7-3.5

3 A. Imperialism is when one nation extends its control to the government and economy of another nation. B. They create an EMPIRE.

4 2. The Cause of Imperialism A. The primary economic cause of Imperialism was Industrialization! 1. There was a huge wealth gap between industrialized and non-industrialized nations. 2. Less developed countries were: -a great source for raw materials -a great place to market finish products

5 A.Competition among European powers...Nationalism! B.Belief in Western Superiority justified by Social Darwinism - Rudyard Kipling’s The White Man’s Burden

6 A.Powerful imperial countries were Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States. B.Africa and Asia were the most sought-after places to create colonies.


8 Asia was gobbled up by Europeans

9 The cartoon is intended to be humorous, but how do you think the nations that were gobbled up must have felt?

10  The British East India Trading Company (BEIC) set up trading posts all over the Indian coast line and made India part of the British Empire.  Britain used India for raw materials and as a market for manufactured goods.  Many Indian businesses, textiles in particular, were put out of business.  India became known as the “Jewel of the Crown.”

11  Japan agreed to open trade after the West threatened to attack Tokyo.  Commodore Matthew Perry of the U.S. forced Japan to sign a trade agreement.  Japan was also used as a market for manufactured goods.

12  Since China lost the Opium Wars with Britain, they were forced to sign a trade treaty.  China was “carved up” by major European powers that created spheres of influence in which they had sole control over trade.  The United States wanted to trade too, so it created the Open Door Policy, which said that all countries must have access to China’s markets.


14  European nations knew Africa was a great place to find raw materials.  Belgium took over the Congo and all of the other countries raced to take over other areas= Scramble for Africa.  In 1884-1885 leaders met at the Berlin Conference to decide how to divide up Africa.  All African countries were taken over except for Ethiopia and Liberia.


16 This map is from 1928. Britain is still in the center and the red or pink countries are part of the British Empire.

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