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Year 1/2 Information Evening Thursday 27 th June 2013.

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2 Year 1/2 Information Evening Thursday 27 th June 2013

3 Give parents a chance to meet the Year 1/2 Teachers. Miss Killick Yr2 and Miss Neal Yr1. Brief outline of the year ahead for the big changes in Years 1 and 2! Lots of new changes….. new classrooms, new teachers, new themes! Purpose of Tonight’s Meeting

4 Our Learning Team The children Teachers Teaching Assistants Parents Visiting speakers

5 We very much have an open door policy; we welcome your questions and queries however trivial they may seem to you. Please do not think the only time you can see is at the parent consultation evenings, our doors are always open. If you have a concern, problem or query please come to us so we can help to solve the matter effectively. Working in Partnership

6 Communication Available at the end of school day Arrange to meet class teacher – email or phone Newsletters Parents’ Evenings Welcome Time Theme Outcomes

7 Transition Familiarisation Play Structured/formal activities

8 Learning is planned using the National Curriculum and the Primary Framework for English and Maths. We plan from Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3 to meet the needs of all learners. Seating & Groupings It will vary according to: The activity or subject Children’s progress and learning needs Children learning experiences include working inside and outside, independently, in “chatter chums”, in groups and as a whole class. The Curriculum

9 Maths Mathematics occurs daily. The children will be grouped according to the mathematical activity or their mathematical ability. Lessons will be planned that cater for group and individual needs. In addition to the whole class input, adults will rotate around the groups working closely with them and individuals during the course of the week.

10 English Reading - children will be involved in daily reading. Texts may range from short stories, novels, articles, school magazines, internet as well as a range of information books. Recommended books can be found at Each class has a book corner and we always welcome donations of children’s magazines or comics, to help us provide a range of reading experiences. Writing- your child will be involved in daily writing. Over the year we will be writing recounts, traditional tales, instructions, descriptions and personal responses. Grammar will be taught through writing and spelling. Daily handwriting lessons will occur with a focus on correct letter formation and joins to develop a fluent style of writing. Phonics- your child will be involved in a daily small group phonics session tailored to their needs. We will be using the READ WRITE inc phonics program with games from Letters and Sounds. Speaking and Listening activities will be incorporated throughout all areas of learning.

11 Themed Learning Our themes link the curriculum subjects where relevant and are aimed at building skills as well as knowledge, reflecting our schools vision. Our first theme will be based around transition and moving on.

12 PE Children will need; WELLIES Blue shorts White T-shirt Blue Tracksuit Trainers PE kits need to be in school from Monday to Friday.

13 Shared Learning Talking Tasks: Every week we will send home a talking task related to our learning. Daily Reading Your child is expected to read daily at home and have their reading record signed by an adult; reading records are checked daily. Children who read 4 times a week are rewarded each week with a bonus house point. Shared Learning Challenges: For each theme we will send a grid of challenges that the children can complete at home with an adult. These are aimed at using their home and out of school environment to extend and enhance the children’s learning.

14 School Trips Class trips will take place each term. These have still to be decided for next academic year.

15 Can you help? We always welcome adults to come into school to help. All parents need to be CRB checked before working with children Helpers are needed who can commit to a regular slot, e.g. reading or helping groups in the classroom Other help is needed for ‘one offs’ e.g. DT, art, cooking and sewing. We are also hoping to create a story sack lending library for KS1. If you are “crafty” or a super seamstress and would be able to help us in creating these, please speak to Miss Killick. Confidentiality If you have any hobbies/talents/interests that could enhance our curriculum, then please let us know!

16 Thank you for coming this evening. We all look forward to working closely with you and your children. Any Questions?


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