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Together we love life, learning and God

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1 Together we love life, learning and God
Welcome to 6B Teachers: Mrs Pingram, Miss Chick, Mrs Bolton, Mrs Statham Teaching Assistant: Mrs Anderson Together we love life, learning and God

2 Timetable Maths and English lessons take place daily
In Year 6, the children are set in groups based upon the teacher’s assessment of each child, as well as more formal end of year style assessments At the start of term, English groups areas follows - 2 mixed ability groups and a third group for the more able pupils. Maths – split into three ability groups with an even higher booster session for the most able once a week Groups are fluid, with teachers assessing the groups frequently Children have a sports coach (Coach Kyle) once a week for outdoor PE on Wednesday and also have another PE session on a Friday. The weekly timetable also includes RE, IPC subjects, Guided Reading, Philosophy for Children (P4C), French and Spelling.

3 The New National Curriculum
The new National Curriculum is being implemented in schools this year for Years 2 and 6. There are some changes to the Maths and English curriculum, such as terminology (e.g. data handling is now statistics) and some elements of the previous curriculum have been moved to different year groups. Parent workshops and informal letters will be planned over the coming months to keep you informed. There are no longer levels and children are assessed according to age related expectations; below, within, above.

4 engaging exciting relevant creative
IPC Units this term engaging exciting The IPC is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum with a clear process of learning and with specific learning goals for subjects which include Science, History, Geography, Art, Music and Design Technology. It also includes an important element for international mindedness and for personal learning. relevant creative

5 International Primary curriculum
IPC Our first IPC unit this term is called ‘What a Wonderful World’ This unit has two main foci; namely Geography and Science. We looks at: Climate and extreme weather Different regions and environments around the world Map skills Classifying rocks and soils Some of the tasks for this unit will involve children completing some work at home; e.g. research work, writing a report and watching news clips.

6 Reading It is an expectation that all children read regularly at home.
In Year 6, children change their books by themselves and write titles and dates in their reading diaries. These will be checked weekly during the reading session. We would like the children to read 5 days out of 7 and to get their reading records signed by an adult. Guided reading generally takes place every day.

7 Homework In Year 6, homework is given out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday This will include a piece of Maths or English work. As the children are in maths groups, homework will be set by that teacher. This may include Mathletics. Homework should not take more than half an hour an night. Please speak to the teacher first if there are any concerns Children have a homework book to write in and a diary to support organisation Reading, Spellings and times tables are expected to be learned in addition to the Friday homework

8 School Website
Newsletters are now available every fortnight on the school website. Please go to News and Events - Newsletters Diary dates for the year are on the website – sports days, concerts, INSET days, etc Please check the website for updates on policies, curriculum areas and staff changes

9 Opportunities in Year 6 House and Vice Captains School Council Reps
Partnerships with secondary schools Teachers from Chace and Enfield Grammar teaching weekly extension lessons in Maths for our exceeding pupils English lessons for our most able pupils at Chace Community Debating and public speaking competitions Mayor’s Writing Award A range of Maths and English boosters to support and extend our learners Sports events throughout the year Music Evening for our talented musicians Year 6 PGL School Journey

10 Other information Any questions? PE kits need to be in school everyday
Any children who walk home by themselves must have signed the permission slip. 6B will be leading the Remembrance Service in school on 11th November Any queries and questions during morning line up to be directed to TA – Mrs Anderson Appointments with teachers through the office Any questions?

11 Calling all experts! Home School agreement
Parents are our greatest resource and we are always looking for people with a range of expertise or skills, which they can share with the children. Please let me know if you are willing to come in and showcase your talents. Home School agreement Please sign and return to the school office Thursday 24th September – World’s Biggest Coffee Morning 9 -10am in the school hall. Bring a cake and buy a cake!

12 Thank you for coming

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