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GCSE PE Exercise Activities. Exercise Log Book You will be marked on a combination of your physical training performance and how that ties in with your.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE PE Exercise Activities. Exercise Log Book You will be marked on a combination of your physical training performance and how that ties in with your."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE PE Exercise Activities

2 Exercise Log Book You will be marked on a combination of your physical training performance and how that ties in with your written log book What needs to go into your training log?

3 Introduction Introduce yourself Things like: Sporting Background Playing/Competing Experience Position/Event Current Level of Performance Current Level of Training

4 Outline the main physical and technical requirements of your sport eg. Goal Shooter in Netball needs: Explosive Strength, Agility, Flexibility and Co-ordination (Physical) Shooting, Dodging and Receiving Passes




8 Second Name Only


10 Goal Setting You can begin by outlining your major Long Term sporting ambition You must then identify Three Short Term goals that you feel will help you achieve your Long Term ambition You must make sure that for each of your goals you can apply the SMARTER principle eg.

11 Long Term Goal – Make the Ospreys U-16 Training Squad for Pre Season July 2010 Short Term Goals: Improved Cardio Vascular Endurance to allow me to contribute throughout the duration of the game and maintain high energy levels Improved Explosive Strength to allow me to be more effective as a lifter in line-outs and more effective at breaking tackles Improve general handling skills, but in particular passing off left hand

12 You then outline the Methods of Training you plan to use to achieve your goals: CV Endurance – combination of Continuous, Fartlek and Interval (Tedium?) Explosive Strength – Plyometrics and Weight Training Handling Skills – team training sessions and extra individual skills sessions You should say how long the training programme is planned for – 8-12 weeks

13 At this stage in your log you can give an overview of your training week This is very general and outlines briefly what you intend to do on each day You should mention Principles of Training at this stage You can then explain how you intend to judge whether your training was effective or not The basis for this will be actual data (fitness test results – Before/After) Anecdotal evidence – your experiences/feedback from teachers/coaches

14 Refining Techniques Your training programme will include specific exercises eg. Bench Pressing, Running, Plyometric Jumps, Sit Ups etc. In this section you have to outline in detail the actual technique involved in performing the exercise This needs to be done for at least five exercises Diagrams or even better – photos of you performing the exercises will help

15 Risk Assessment You need to illustrate an ability to train in as safe a way as possible and keep risks to a minimum You need to carry out a risk assessment under the following headings: Envrironment Equipment Physical Preperation

16 Monitoring/Evaluation of Goals This is the final element of the training process It is where you judge whether your training programme has been successful or not Here you present your before and after fitness test scores and discuss any improvements you may have noted in your own level of performance Tables/Graphs/Discussion Would you do anything differently What worked/what didn’t

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